Mini Projects

For solving Boolean algebra expressions online, you can use the Boolean Algebra Solver. This tool helps simplify and solve expressions, providing detailed steps and logic

A Subwoofer is a loudspeaker which produces audio signals of low frequencies. The first subwoofer amplifier was developed in 1970 by Ken Kreisler. It is

Audio mixing is the process of combining multiple audio channels into one or more audio channels. In this process source signals, frequency content, dynamics, level

This circuit helps us to get alerted when anybody picks our pockets or bags. The circuit is very helpful to prevent our goods getting pick

Mobile communication is an emerging technology these days. GSM is the acronym for Global System for Mobile Communication. GSM module is wireless modem that transmits

This circuit is a temperature sensing as well as alarm circuit. The circuit raises an alarm whenever the temperature crosses a certain limit. Temperature monitoring

We all have a doorbell at our homes. When a visitor comes to our house, he searches for the doorbell switch and then rings it

The Water Level Indicator employs a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. The

Here we are building a wireless FM transmitter which uses RF communication to transmit the medium or low power FM signal. The maximum range of

In this project, we have designed a simple 230V LED Driver circuit, which can drive LED directly from the mains supply. An LED is a