100+ Electrical Projects For Engineering Students

We know that electrical projects are used in many cases in our real life and they require more power when compared with electronics projects. Electrical project circuits use only passive components like capacitors, inductors, resistors, etc. As a result, many people like to get an idea about how electrical projects work and which projects may come under this category.

For those people, here we are providing a list of top electrical projects ideas. These project ideas will be more helpful for engineering students also as many of them are showing lot of interest towards these electrical projects.

All these projects ideas are collected from different resources and published here for visitors convenience. If any body interested, they may suggest some more project ideas through our contact us page so that we would include those project ideas also in this list.

Electrical Machines

  • Microcontroller Based Protection for Low Voltage Motors using Zigbee TechnologyThe main aim of this project is to protect and control low voltage motors from low voltage, ground fault, thermal overload and unbalance conditions. Various sensors employed in this design continuously monitors the parameters of the motor. Microcontroller compares all these sensor data with respective set limits and accordingly the switches the relay. This information will be sent to the remote PC using Zigbee communication module.
  • Protecting Induction Motor From Phase & Temperature: Over heating of a motor can  decrease the life time of the motor, causes insulation failure etc. Hence it is necessary to protect the motor from single phasing and overheating. The present project shows the hardware setup for monitoring the phases and temperature of the motors. When there is any deviation in these two parameters, an SMS is sent using  GSM.
  • A Numerical Analysis of Coupled Electromagnetic and Heat Transfer Phenomena in PM BLDC Electric Motor: This paper  focuses on thermal management of electrical motors. It study about , a coupled heat, flow (CFD) and electromagnetic (EMAG) model of the permanent magnet brushless electric motor with electronic commutation was formulated and then validated
  • Four-Quadrant Adjustable Speed Drive for Series Wound DC MotorsIn this project, a four quadrant adjustable speed drive is implemented for series wound DC motors which are mainly employed in electrical traction systems. PIC microcontroller is used in this project to control the speed as well as direction of the motor. This project also includes the current limiting as well as speed limiting protection circuits.
  • Four Quadrant DC Motor Control without MicrocontrollerThis project deals with the implementation of four quadrant motor controller using 555 timer along with H-bridge driver. 555 timer produces the necessary PWM pulses to control the speed while relays are used for changing the polarities and also to apply the brakes to the motor.

Electrical Power Project

  • Role of Surge Arrestors in Electrical Power Systems: Surge arrestors protect the electrical equipment against over voltage. This paper presents the design and characteristics of modern MO surge arrestors.
  • Power Generation Using Foot Step: This paper shows non conventional way of generating the power. Unlike conventional ways here  power is generated simply  from foot steps in the train.
  •  Production of electricity by the method of road power generation: This project shows the method of generating electricity from the road power generation. The device proposed here converts the kinetic  energy into mechanical energy ,there by  producing electricity.
  • Wireless Power Transfer::A simple wireless power transfer device is developed in this project without any microcontroller. Nikola Tesla realized the concept of wireless power transfer. An efficient wireless power transfer system can eliminate the concept of current carrying cables. A small DC fan is operated wirelessly from a distance of 3cm in this project to demonstrate the working. Potential applications of the project are wireless charging of mobile phones, laptops, iPods, etc.

Control system

  • Design of Load Sharing control system using PIC MicrocontrollerThe main aim of this project is to adjust the availability power with consuming load. This system measures the power using current and voltage sensing circuits for every energy source i.e., for wind, solar, grid and generator source. PIC microcontroller compares the load consumption and then optimally connects the respective load to the healthier source.
  • Energy-based Control of an Under actuated Crane System with a Flexible Cable and Large Swing Angle: In this paper, an effective energy based control technique for an overhead crane system with a flexible cable with large swing angle is developed. The studied crane system is categorized as a multi-degree under actuated system whose characteristics can initiate challenges in control design.
  • Standalone Smart Solar-powered Streetlamp Light control System: This project shows a solar powered street light control system. This light can be recharged using solar powered system and it is controlled based on vehicle detection and audio recognition technology.


  • Cyber Security Analysis of Substation Automation System: The automated substation uses SCADA for their implementation. It uses intelligent electronic devices for protection, controlling and monitoring. Mod bus protocol is used for communication. This paper explains about monitoring of substations and analyses cyber security issues  of SCADA systems.
  •  SCADA Based Monitoring and Controlling Using ZigbeeThis project implements the real-time SCADA system using Zigbee communication technology. Zigbee activated microcontroller unit along with set of sensors acts as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) while Zigbee transceiver based PC acts as Mater Terminal Unit.
  • Intelligent Automation System For Electrical Energy Distribution: This research work to be aimed at developing indigenous know-how of full scale Distribution Automation system, which can cover from secondary substations to consumer level intelligent automation, the power distribution automation is expected into broad areas. At present, power utilities have to need full scale distribution automation to achieve real time system information and remote control system. In modern power systems, the monitoring and control of power substations are based on the computerized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.

IEEE Electrical projects

  • Oil Field Retrofit of ESPs to Meet Harmonic Compliance: This paper discuses the effects of harmonics in electrical distribution systems and practical solutions are given to this.
  • Development of a power source for rural Electrification: This paper discuses a solutions for accessing electricity high voltage grid  in rural community provided by station service voltage transformer.

Electrical Projects using LabVIEW

  • LabVIEW Based Power AnalyzerThis project uses LabVIEW software to measure and analyze the power quality parameters such as active and reactive power, harmonics, instantaneous power and power factor. In this a power analyzer VI is implemented using LabVIEW software along with DAQ board.
  • Implementation of PID and Fuzzy PD Controllers for DC Servo MotorThis project implements fuzzy based PD and Ziegler-Nichols rule based PID controllers in order to control the DC servo motor position. A DAQ board along with LabVIEW software is used in this project to implement both controllers.
  • Real Time Data Monitoring of PV Solar Cell Using LabVIEW and DAQThe data acquisition board (DAQ) along with the LabVIEW software is used in this project for monitoring photo voltaic cells in homes as well as industries. DAQ board acquires the various parameters of solar cells and sends to LabVIEW software where we can monitor those values in GUI.
  •  Direct Torque Control of BLDC Motor In this project direct torque control technique for controlling the speed of brushless DC motors is simulated in order to attain faster response of torque. This project uses LabVIEW software to develop the fuzzy logic controller for this technique.
  • Simulation of Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive with LabVIEWThis project simulates the mathematical model of inverter fed induction motor using LabVIEW software. This simulation is helpful for analysing the dynamic characteristics of motor.
  • Distribution Transformer Fuse Failure Detection and Information Passing SystemThe main objective of this project is to detect the failure of fuse that employed at the distribution transformer. This failure information is intimated to the concerned person through GSM module. In this project LabVIEW based PIC microcontroller is used along with the voltage sensor to detect fuse failure.
  • Wireless Design for Power Theft MonitoringThis project aims to implement anti-power theft monitoring system using wireless sensor networks. This wireless sensor device is a power metering device of the customer which sends the load information periodically to the controlling station. The controlling station aggregates all the user data and automatically detects the power theft user by comparing extra load consumed than that of actual value.
  • Implementation of Frequency Locked Loop DC Motor Drive SystemThis project implements the LabVIEW based frequency locked loop control algorithm for controlling the speed of DC motor. This project describes capability to maintain the speed stabilisation and regulation in order to recover the rated speed from load change.
  • Power Quality Monitoring and Power Measurements by using Virtual InstrumentationThis proposed project describes the design of power quality measurement and monitoring in LabVIEW environment. Various power quality parameters of voltage, current and power are measured and analyzed in this project using virtual instrumentation techniques.

Electrical Projects using Arduino

  • Data Logger for SolarThe aim of this project is to measure and store the solar energy parameters using Arduino controller. Sensors like LDR, temperature sensor, current sensor and voltage sensor monitors the respective parameters of the solar panel. The acquired data from Arduino controller is transferred to the PC where it is logged.
  • Implementation of an Omni Wheels RobotThis project builds Omni-directional robot which can move in different directions. Arduino controller with motor driver circuit controls the motion of the robot in different angles.
  • Differential Transformer Protection using ArduinoThis project implements the Arduino based differential protection for the transformer in order to protect the transformer from various electrical faults. In this, current transformers along with Arduino controller measure the differential current and if any fault occurs, it operates the relay.
  • Design Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Data Logger with XbeeThis project demonstrates the design of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) data logger to read, collect and store the energy consumption of various consumers remotely using Zigbee technology. This design is implemented using Arduino controller and Zigbee communication module.

PLC Based Electrical Projects

  • Control of Boiler Operation using PLC-SCADAThis project achieves the automatic control operation of boiler using PLC and SCADA. Boiler temperature and pressure are continuously monitored using temperature and pressure sensor respectively. The PLC acquires these sensor values and depends on the control algorithm, it controls the actuators. SCADA system enables the remote monitoring and control of boiler operation.
  • PLC Based Intelligent Traffic Control SystemThis project aims to implement an intelligent based traffic control system using sensors and PLC. Photoelectric sensors detect the presence of vehicles on various junctions of the road and give the signals to the PLC. Based on the program in the PLC, it controls the traffic signals.
  • PLC Based Robotic Arm Control SystemThis project implements the robotic ARM control system using PLC for precise control. Programmable logic controller (PLC) is programmed to perform different ARM movements by giving the corresponding signals to motor driver circuit.
  • Implementation of PLC Based Elevator Control SystemThis project describes the implementation of elevator control system using PLC. Hall Effect sensor detects the position of the elevator and gives the corresponding signal to the PLC. According to the program in the PLC, it generates the control signals to the DC motor to control the movements of elevator.
  • Design of PLC and SCADA Based Control Panel for Continuous Monitoring of 3-Phase Induction MotorIn this, an efficient and versatile tool for controlling the induction motor is proposed which control and monitors the speed with high accuracy. A variable Frequency Drive (VFD) based PLC controls the speed of the motor at better regulation. SCADA system for this project is implemented for remote monitoring and control of the speed.
  • PLC Based PID Speed Control SystemThis project deals with the design of intelligent drive controller for AC motor by implementing PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control scheme. This project achieves the precise control by exactly tuning the PID parameters using Ziegler-Nichols methods.
  • PLC Based Induction Motor Starting and ProtectionIn this project, slip ring induction motor starting, protection and speed control schemes are implemented using programmable Logic controller (PLC). Rotor resistance control method is implemented as starting method while over voltages, over current and over temperature protection schemes are implemented to protect the IM.
  • PLC Based Object Sorting Automation
  • This paper explains about automatic object sorting system that sorts the objects depending on the weight and height  which is controlled by the programmable logic controller. This  is a low cost ,low maintenance and long durability system.
  • Programmable Switching Control using 8051 Microcontroller :This project develops  system that functions similar to the PLC using 8051 microcontroller. Sequential switching of loads is achieved in this project.


  • ARM 7 Based Controller Area Network for Accident Avoidance in Automobiles: The project shows an accident avoidance system. Here this system measures various parameters like speed, distance from other cars, alcohol presence in the cars etc. It sends signal if any of the parameters were changed. This also detects the accident  using bump sensor and  sends  an SMS using GSM.
  • Route Guidance For Blind People Using GSM & GPS Modems: This paper presents a smart electronic aid for blind people. The proposed system uses and ultrasonic sensor for detecting the obstacles in the path. GSM, GPS modules were used  to locate the blind.
  • Brushless DC Motor Design for Electric Traction System: BLDC motor is used in residential ,commercial and aerospace systems due to its various features. This paper explains the designing of BLDC motor drive.
  • Switched Reluctance Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Switched reluctance motor is a type of stepper motor that runs by reluctance torque. It  is gaining popularity in application of hybrid electric vehicle. The present project aims at reducing the torque and speed ripple to make it suitable for  hybrid electric vehicle  using non linear controller.
  • Micro Controller Based Ac Power Controller: A single phase PWM inverter is designed in this project. It has features like simple, low cost, compatible size etc.
  • Design and Simulation of Novel Integral Switching Cycle Control for Heating Load: There are two methods employed for   solid state power controls. One is Phase control switching and the other is integral cycle control switching . These two have their own disadvantages. To overcome this a new method  called  integral switching control is proposed in this paper.
  • ATM Terminal Security using Fingerprint Recognition: ATM’s provide convenient banking to the customer. But these days there are security issues in using  ATM’s. This paper develops a method to overcome this  security issue and provides more security to the customer banking. This system uses a finger print scanner for authentication of the customer.
  • Development of Anti rigging Voting System Using Finger Print: Voting is practised on electronic machines now a days. This project provides a voting machine that is reliable and secured. It uses finger print scanner to provide unique identity to every citizen.
  • Fault Acknowledgement System for UPS using GSM: This paper shows the designing of an UPS system that acknowledges faults in the System using GSM technology.
  • Touch Screen GLCD based Digital Devices Control System: This project replaces the mobile devices that operate home appliances  by  touch screens. A touch screen based digital control of devices is shown here.
  • Real-time Posture and Activity Recognition by Smart Shoe: In this paper, we discuss a method for performing automatic posture classification using Artificial Neural Networks operating with fixed point precision arithmetic. The computational time is optimised through application of forward feature selection for determination of the most significant predictors.
  • Load Frequency Control – An ELC based approach: This project shows load frequency  control of a micro grid control system. This system is tested in mat lab/simulink.
  • Internet of Things for Smart Classrooms: This project uses internet of things for smart classrooms where  the  time of students and the teacher g were reduced in maintaining the queues and listening  to  the instructions.
  •  E- Health Care Computing for better Health Monitoring : This project shows an automatic health care system for monitoring the health of the patients. This system uses some wearable sensors and portable wireless devices. Condition of the patient is  transmitted to the doctor and related people using GSM or Bluetooth.
  • Renewable energy based interleaved boost converter: Renewable   energy consumption is increasing day by day due to decrease in non renewable energy sources. Among them solar energy is the best source. Boost converters are required to increase the output. Here interleaved converter is  such a converter that has a number of converters connected in parallel. It has very good advantages compared to others in efficiency, reliability etc.
  • Design and Construction of 33/11 KV Line & Substation:This project shows the construction of 33/11kv line and substation.
  •  Active Power Control of Grid-Connected Distributed Generation Unit:Distributed generation using non conventional energy  sources is increased .This paper shows  simple and efficient  a control technique  to get desired power from DG to grid.
  • Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Controller:This paper shows  power factor correction of a three phase rectifier using  boost converter. Average current control technique is used in this .Results are verified in mat lab.
  • Remote Surgical Robotics: Control Systems and Human-Machine Interfacing:Here is the remote surgical robot. The main aim of this robot is to detect the surface of  gelatin brain using robot.
  • Simulation Of Three Phase Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number Of Switches:Multi level inverters can be used in many applications because of their flexibility, easy control, less cost. Though it has many advantages this multi level inverter (MLI) has number of power electronic components. Increased number of switches increases over all loss as switching losses increases. This paper mainly focuses on decreasing the number of switches in MLI.
  • Hybrid Solar Wind Charger:Generally UPS uses supply from the main for its functions. This paper shows a UPS system that uses solar and wind power instead of mains supply as there is energy crisis.
  •  Cyber Security in the Smart Grid:The smart grid is revolutionary in the existing power grid. The smart grid system enhances the future power system. Due to number of inter connected devices, there is a problem in cyber security. This paper focuses on the cyber security in this smart grid.
  • Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Using ANFIS and GA:Switched reluctance motors are best for direct drive applications. But it has some draw backs like high torque ripple, acoustic noise, speed oscillations. This paper proposes a method for using ANFIS and GA u for Drive control.
  • Stability Analysis Using Power System Stabilizer: This paper describes the operating performance of Power System Stabilizer (PSS) during different power system case studies. The functional blocks of PSS are developed in Simulink and simulation is carried out. The damping oscillation variation of PSS for the various power system conditions (light, nominal & high load and fault) is carried out and the voltage and reactive power variations are illustrated.
  • Sensor Fault Detection in Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller with D-Q Transformation:This paper proposes a method for speed and fault detection in current sensor. It provides isolation to protect the motor from speed  and current sensor failures.
  • Intelligent Control Technique Based Zeta Converter Fed PMDC Motor: This paper deals with the implementation of fuzzy-PI based Zeta converter fed PMDC motor with high efficiency, less total harmonic distortion and good power factor adjustment.
  • Captive Liquid Power SYSTEM:The most known process for generating electricity from water is by storing the water in dams. This paper explains an extension to this method. Initially water is held in captive in an enclosure. Then it is raised to high potential energy using wind or water.
  •  Power System Design for an Electric Car: This project shows the power generation and distribution system of electric car. This  shows  converting a gas powered car into battery powered and uses solar panels to recharge the battery.
  • Star Delta Starter using Adjustable Electronic Timer for Low power Induction MotorThis project aims to provide cost-effective star delta starter for low power three phase induction motor in order to provide low voltage start. This project uses 555 timer in mono-stable mode which drives GTO (Gate Turn-Off) thyristors driver circuit so as to change the mains three phase supply from start to delta.
  • Programmable Switching Control for Industrial Automation in Repetitive Nature of WorkThis project implements the programmable load switching control using microcontroller for applications where repetition of nature of work involved. This project operates in three modes namely manual mode, auto mode and set mode. In manual mode, various loads are controlled by the input given by user by switches or remotely through GSM. In auto mode, loads are switched at regular default timings while in set mode loads are controlled based on the timings set by the user.
  • Automatic Induction Motor Starter with Delay Using MicrocontrollerThis projects implements an automatic induction motor starter using microcontroller which works same as that of DOL starter. The microcontroller continuously monitors the three phases of input supply for over voltage and single phasing conditions and accordingly switches the relays to switch the motor.
  • Microcontroller Based Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor using V/F MethodThis proposed project implements the microcontroller based hardware design to control the speed of three phase induction motor using V/F method. By receiving the feedback signal of speed, microcontroller will give PWM signals to the IGBT inverter bridge in order to drive the motor at desired speeds.
  • Power Factor Correction Using PIC MicrocontrollerThis project measures the power factor of the load using PIC microcontroller along with zero voltage and zero current crossing detector circuits. According to the set limits for leading and lagging power factors, microcontroller switches set of capacitors to improve the power factor.
  • Underground Cable Fault Distance LocatorThis project demonstrates a fault locating model which determines the fault that occurs in underground cables using microcontroller. This design uses the concept of Ohms law for detecting the change in voltage across the cable whenever fault or short circuit takes place in the cable.
  • Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset for Temporary Fault and Trip for Permanent FaultThe objective of this project is to develop an automatic tripping mechanism for both permanent as well as temporary faults that are takes place in three phase system. This project uses 555 timer as a main controller which resumes the load when a temporary fault occurs in three phase system while it makes the load to be remain in tripping mode during permanent fault.
  • Automated Wireless Energy Meter Reading System using GSMThis project implements an Automatic Metering Reading (AMR) System for energy meter without any human intervention for generating the electricity bill. This project uses ARM controller for measuring electricity consumption a given period of time. Further, this billing information is sends to utility companies as well as to the customers using GSM module.
  • BLDC Motor Speed Control with RPM DisplayIn this project the speed a BLDC motor is controlled precisely using microcontroller unit along with the hall position sensor. The microcontroller is programmed in such a way that it compares the actual speed (get from hall sensor) with desired speed and accordingly genrates the PWM signals to the motor driver unit.
  • PC Based Electrical Load ControlThis project uses a personal computer to control various electrical appliances in homes by using microcontroller. Microcontroller acts as a data acquisition and control device which forms the bridge between PC and electrical appliances. Microcontroller receives the command signals from PC and appropriately controls the respective load.
  • Wireless Auto Power Trip during Gas LeakageThis project aims to reduce the fire accidents that are takes place due to gas leakage in the presence electricity. In this project gas sensor monitors the gas leakage which gives the input to microcontroller when it senses the gas leak. Then the microcontroller activates the tripping mechanism to shutdown the power supply. RF module used in this project to transfer the information remotely to the alarm circuit and tripping circuit.
  • Solar Powered Auto irrigation SystemThe main aim of this project is to implement solar based automatic irrigation system for switching the pumping motor depends on the signal from soil moisture sensor. By receiving the signals from the sensor, microcontroller performs the switching of pump using relay.
  • Zigbee Based Home Automation SystemThe aim of this project is to implement a home automation system to control the home appliances remotely using Zigbee technology. Sensors like temperature, LDR and gas detection sensors connected to the microcontroller unit continuously monitors the weather parameters. The home appliances are automatically controlled when these parameters exceeds their set limits. Remote monitoring and control is also facilitated with Zigbee communication.
  • Photovoltaic Panels Monitoring and Solar Energy Measurement SystemThis project monitors the parameters of photovoltaic cells and measures the solar energy generated. A set of sensors along with microcontroller unit continuously monitors the solar energy and also allows the user to access the remote monitoring of these parameters.
  • Smoke and LPG Gas Detection Robot with Wireless ControlThe objective of this project is to design an RF robotic vehicle to detect the LPG and smoke for underground mining applications. The RF communication module attached with robot sends the sensed data to the central monitoring area.
  • Remote Monitoring System for Three-Phase Distribution Transformer using Zigbee In this project, parameters of a three phase distribution transformer are monitored and controlled remotely using Zigbee communication. Transformer parameter like temperature of the oil, oil level, voltage, current, etc are continuously monitored using various sensors. The sensor data is transmitted to the central controller using Zigbee module.
  • Solar Powered LED Street Light with Auto Intensity ControlIn this project, an energy efficient method for street lights is implemented to control the LED street lights. The power generated by the solar panels is stored in batteries during the day time and at the night this energy is supplied to the street lights. As the traffic on roads decreases from peak hours to late nights, this projects controls intensity of street lights based on timings.
  • Wireless Power Transfer System using Magnetic Resonant CouplingThis project transfers the electric power from one circuit to the other without using any conducting medium between them. In this project, magnetic resonant coupling method is implemented to transfer the power from the source to a load.
  • Wireless DC Motor Control using DTMF TechnologyThe idea of this project is to perform wireless speed control of a DC motor from a mobile phone using DTMF technology. DTMF decoder receives the DTMF signals from the remote mobile to control the speed of a DC motor.
  • Cable Inspection Robot using Microcontroller and GPS TrackerThis project implements the underground cable fault detecting mobile robot that can navigate along the underground cable. This inspects fire accidents, obstacles, supply failures, presence of harmful gases, etc of the cable. GPS module facilitates finding of fault location and this information is further transferred to the main controller through the communication module.
  • Induction Motor Speed Control Using Android ApplicationThe objective of this project is to control the speed of a single phase induction motor from Android mobile application. Bluetooth module attached to the control circuit receives the control commands from user mobile. Microcontroller receives these signals and controls the motor speed by varying the triggering pulses to the TRIAC.
  • Wireless Automatic Railway Gate Controlling cum Traffic SignalingIn this project, the level crossing gate as well as railway level crossing traffic lights are controlled using microcontroller unit along with IR sensors. IR sensors at particular positions on the track, gives the input to the microcontroller about the train arrival and departure information. According to these signals microcontroller controls gate operation as well as traffic lights.
  • Wireless Meter with Theft Monitoring and Control SystemThis project aims provide the automatic energy meter reading and to prevent practice of power theft. In this project, the overloading resulted from power theft is detected and this information is conveyed to the authorities through communication network.
  • Patient Monitoring System using GSMIn this project, human body vital parameters like pulse rate, body temperature and saline level are continuously monitored by various sensors using ARM microcontroller. Further, these monitored values will be sent to the remote mobile using GSM modem.
  • Design of a Low-Cost Contact-Less Digital Tachometer This project measures the RPM or speed of a moving object (say motor) without any direct contact with it. The microcontroller receives the IR sensor data, processes it and converts it into RPM. RF communication module transfers this data to remote PC where it is recorded and stored.
  • A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy SystemThe main aim of this project is to switch the loads to either wind or solar energy source depending on the maximum power generated. This circuit also uses MPPT system for maximum power generation.
  • Smart Phone Based Home Appliance Control This project uses the Smartphone to control the various household appliances such as fans, lights, kitchen appliances, etc. The microcontroller unit along with Bluetooth module receives the control signals from user Smartphone and then controls the home appliances.
  • Automated Water Head Controller for Domestic ApplicationThe aim of this project is to design a water level sensing device using ultrasonic sensor which measures the water level without any direct contact with water. Ultrasonic sensor gives the sensing information to the ATmega controller which further processes the data and indicates the level information.
  • Electric Power Management using Zigbee Wireless Sensor NetworkThe main aim of this project is to implement a system which differentiates and controls the devices in a network on the basis of power consumption of individual appliance. Zigbee communication enables the monitoring the various load consumptions and accordingly controls the load depends on the availability of power.
  • Ultra Fast Acting Electronic Circuit BreakerThis project demonstrates the ultra fast electronic circuit breaker that isolates the load circuit from mains supply at extreme faster rate as compared with bimetallic strip based circuit breaker. PIC microcontroller with current sensor unit detects short circuit or overload and appropriately turns the MOSFET in order to switch the load.
  • Design and Development of Microcontroller Based Solar Charge ControllerThis project implements the solar charge controller circuit which charges the battery with amount of charge coming from solar panel. This circuit also regulates voltage to protect the battery from overvoltage and do not allow the battery to go into deep discharge.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System for Educational Institution: This project aims to build Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for educational institution based on DTMF technology. Using this system, user can access the information stored in the database by pressing corresponding key on his/her mobile. DTMF decoder with microcontroller unit achieves this operation.
  • Solar Tracking Solar Panel Using ATMEGA8 ControllerThe purpose of this project is to generate the maximum solar energy from the PV panel depends on intensity detected by Light Dependent Resistors. Microcontroller adjusts the direction of solar panel towards the sun based on the signals from LDR.
  • Automated Toll Tax Collection Using GSM and RFIDThis project implements the automatic toll tax collection by facilitating advance registering through SMS. Microcontroller unit with GSM modem receives the request from vehicle owners and sends the acknowledgement including the password to user mobile. At the time vehicle reaching the toll plaza, microcontroller asks for password, upon authentication it deducts the amount from RFID attached to the vehicle automatically, and then opens the gate.
  • Transient Stability Analysis of Power System Using MATLABThe objective of the project is to design the stability analysis of power system as simulation model in simulink/MATLAB. For the assessment of transient stability, a multi-machine system is implemented in this project.
  • Data Logger and Remote Monitoring System for Multiple Parameter Measurement ApplicationsThis project aims to build an embedded system that performs data logging and remote monitoring of various parameters. The environmental parameters like temperature and humidity are monitored with sensors. AVR microcontroller acquires the sensor data and makes a record of it in EEPROM. This project also facilitates to monitor the acquired or logged data through GSM module.
  • Touch Screen Based Wheelchair SystemThis project controls the direction and speed of DC motors which are attached to the wheelchair so that it moves in desired direction. This ARM controller with touch screen enabled design is very helpful for physically disabled persons to control their wheelchair.
  • Simulation Model of Hydro Power Plant Using MATLAB/SimulinkThis project implements the simulation model of hydro power plant with hydro turbine and synchronous generator on MATLAB platform. This work is useful for conducting operating tests as well as for analyzing the results.
  • Battery Monitoring System using MicrocontrollerThis project implements a battery monitoring system for UPS, telephone communication and hybrid electrical vehicle applications. Battery parameters like voltage and temperature continuously monitored using slave microcontroller unit while master controller gathers all the batteries information.
  • Design and Development of a Parabolic Dish Solar Water HeaterThe main aim of this project is to develop the parabolic dish solar water heater for water heating applications. In this embedded electronic circuit is implemented for the parabolic dish to track the sun continuously in order achieve high efficiency.
  • Voice Operated Robotic VehicleThe main objective of this project is to control the movements of robotic vehicle through voice commands of the user. The Speech recognition module along with RF transmitter sends the voice signals to remote robot. RF receiver in the robot correspondingly receives the signals and controls the robot movements.
  • Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Controlled SVC for Transmission LineIn this project Static VAR Compensator scheme is implemented for transmission line based on fuzzy logic. This system controls the reactive power by implementing the firing angle control scheme in MATLAB.
  • Maximum Power Point Tracking for Low Power Photovoltaic Solar PanelsThis project describes the enhancement of power generated by the solar panel using MPPT algorithm. This MPPT (Maximum Power Point Algorithm) implemented on microcontroller in order to maximize the output.
  • Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot using 8051 MicrocontrollerThis project involves in the designing of Android mobile application controlled robot using microcontroller. Android application based control commands received by Bluetooth module enables the microcontroller to control the DC motor speed and direction.
  • Street Light Glow on Detecting Vehicle Movement using Sensor The main aim of this project is to implement an energy efficient street lighting system which controls the street lights based on the movement of vehicles on the road. Microcontroller with set of IR sensor detects the vehicle movement and with this sensed data microcontroller switches the street lights.
  • Footstep Power Generation using Piezoelectric SensorsThis proposed system presents the usage of piezoelectric sensors to generate the power from human foot pressure. The power generated from the piezoelectric sensors is stored in the battery and inverter converts the battery voltage (DC) to load operating voltage (AC). Microcontroller unit measures the power generated by these sensors and accordingly displays the amount of power generated.
  • Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors using MicrocontrollerThis project uses RF communication to synchronize the multiple motors in an industry. In this, all the motors are equipped with RF transceiver module along with microcontroller unit. This arrangement causes to change the speed of remaining motors if speed of the one motor is changed.
  • Head Movements based Wireless Device Switching The main aim of this project is to switch the electrical loads or devices based on the head movements of a person using MEMS sensor. This type of project is helpful for physically challenged and paralyzed persons.
  • Bidirectional Rotation of an Induction Motor with a Remote Control Device This project aims to control the speed and direction of induction motor using TV remote. IR sensors and microcontroller unit are used in this project to receive the signals from TV remote. A relay driver is connected to the microcontroller unit to change the direction of motor.
  • Hall Effect Sensor Based Portable Tachometer for RPM MeasurementThis project deals with the implementation of portable, accurate and contactless tachometer using linear Hall Effect sensor. This sensor produces the number of pulses per revolution which are given as input to the microcontroller unit. Microcontroller measures these pulses per minute in order to give the RPM display.
  • Wireless Load Control Device using GSM ModuleThe intention of designing this project is to make more convenient and time saving method to control the loads from remote places. This project uses GSM module with microcontroller unit to receive user control commands to switch ON/OFF the particular load.
  • Design and Implementation of IGBT Based Single Phase AC Drive using PIC 18F452This project implements single phase AC drive to control the speed of induction using PIC microcontroller. A constant voltage per hertz technique is implemented in this project by generating PWM pulses to drive the IGBTs.
  • On-Line Monitoring and Analysis of Faults in Transmission and Distribution Lines using GSMThis project uses the GSM technology to convey the fault information of transmission and distribution lines to utility department. In this project microcontroller unit along with sensors detects the faults that are takes place in power lines.
  • Wireless Temperature Data logger Using ZigbeeThis project develops a temperature data logger system using microcontroller and Zigbee communication module. A temperature sensor with ADC enables the continuous acquiring of temperature data at the field side where Zigbee transmitter module is employed. At the receiver side, Zigbee receiver with microcontroller unit receives and logs the temperature data.
  • Microcontroller Based Active and Reactive Power MeasurementThis design aims to measure and indicate the active and reactive power of an electrical system using PIC microcontroller. With the help of input from zero crossing detector circuit, PIC microcontroller calculates these two parameters and stores the data in EEPROM.
  • Simulation of Extra High Voltage Long Transmission LinesIn this project, simulation of EHV long transmission lines is performed in order to analyze various parameters and circuit condition under normal working conditions.
  • Microcontroller Based Modified SEPIC Converter for Driving Lamp with Power Factor CorrectionThis project presents a topology of Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) with half bridge inverter to feed the electrode less fluorescent lamp. This project improves the power factor and reduces the total harmonic distortion.
  • Substation Monitoring and Control using ZigbeeThe objective of this project is to develop the remote monitoring and control system for substation using Zigbee module. Various parameters of the distribution transformer in substation are continuously monitored using Zigbee module. Zigbee receiver at the main station acquires these parameters and takes action accordingly.
  • A Transformer-less Voltage Quadrupler DC-DC Converter with Low Switch Voltage Stress: In this project implements the interleaved quadrupler voltage DC-DC converter to achieve high voltage gain and to reduce current ripples and conduction losses. This design uses three stage interleaved boost converter with voltage quadruoler circuits.
  • Power System Stability Enhancement by Simultaneous AC-DC Power Transmission The main aim of this project is to present the simulation of simultaneous AC-DC power transmission by superimposing DC on AC. This project replaces the parallel AC-DC transmission by converting double circuit AC into composite AC-DC transmission line. This work is simulated in MATLAB platform.
  • Analysis of DC-DC Converters for Renewable Energy SystemThis project analyses the selection of DC-DC converter with transformer to produce the desirable characteristics for electrolyser applications using MATLAB. In this, ripple-free regulated output is produced by the DC-DC converter.
  • Simulation and Comparison of SPWM and SVPWM Control for Three Phase InverterThis project deals with the modeling of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique which effectively uses the DC bus voltage and produce the less harmonic content as compared with Sinusoidal PWM technique. This model is simulated using Simulink/MATLAB and results are compared with SPWM technique.
  • Modeling of Induction Motor and Fault AnalysisIn this work, induction machine model is implemented in Simulink/MATLAB to analyze the motor performance and for effectively diagnosing the rotor faults. This analysis is carried out for single, double and three bar broken rotor faults.
  • Improved AC-AC Converter For Induction Heating ApplicationsThis MATLAB based project simulates the single-switch parallel resonant converter (improved AC to AC converter) to produce high frequency currents for induction heating applications. The analyzed results are compared with existing half and full bridge inverter topologies.
  • Solar Powered Mobile Charger Using Buck ConverterThis project aims to build solar powered mobile charger circuit using synchronous buck converter. The DC power obtained from the PV array is synthesized and modulated using this buck converter in order to meet the load requirements.
  • Modeling & Simulation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems The objective of this project is to model and simulate the double-fed induction generator in the MATLAB Simulink environment. Based on the vectorized dynamic approach, DFIG model is described in this project.
  • Automation of Coal Handling Plant of a Power Generation Unit using PIC MicrocontrollerThis project demonstrates the automation of coal handling plant of a thermal power generation unit using proximity sensors and PIC microcontroller. Based on proximity sensors signal, microcontroller controls the speed of stepper motor which further drives the conveyor belt. This also implements the interlock facility in motors to provide the safety.
  • Speed Control of Universal Motor Using MicrocontrollerA TRIAC and microcontroller based circuit is implemented in this project to control the speed of universal motor. Microcontroller provides the phase angle control of TRIAC which varies the power through universal motor.
  • Conductor Temperature and Sag Monitoring System using Zigbee and GSM This project aims to measure and monitor the sag and temperature of high voltage overhead conductor using sensors without making any interruption to the continuous power supply. These sensed parameter values are send to the central monitoring station using Zigbee module and also to the authorized persons using GSM module.
  • Implementation of Programmable Automatic Voltage RegulatorThe main aim of this project is to implement Programmable Automatic Voltage Regulator (PAVR) using microcontroller. This project achieves the stabilization of output voltage with the deviation of input voltage from 100 to 340 volts.
  • GSM Based Automated Embedded System for Monitoring and Controlling of Smart GridThis project demonstrates the remote monitoring of smart grid parameters using GSM module. Electrical parameters like voltage, current, power and frequency are acquired by the data acquisition device. These real time values are periodically send to authorized persons through GSM network.
  • Measurement of Air Breakdown Voltage and Electric Field using Standard Sphere Gap MethodIn this project, air breakdown voltages and electric field of the high voltage equipment are measured by using sphere gap method for the measurement of high voltages.
  • Calculation and Analysis of Transformer Inrush Current of TransformerIn this work, analytical formulas are implemented to calculate the inrush current in transformer. And then the effect of switching angle variation, remnant flux and energizing circuit impedances on inrush current characteristics are analyzed using MATLAB.
  • Inductance Capacitance and Frequency (LCF) Meter The main aim of this project is to implement a portable instrument to measure inductance, capacitance and frequency. This two probe device is implemented using PIC microcontroller with additional circuitry for accurately measuring and displaying these parameters.
  • Circuit Breaker Based Feeder Pillar with Over current and Earth-Fault Protection This project aims to design and simulate the 415V AC feeder pillar with earth fault, overload and over current protection using earth leakage CB, three phase overload relay and sequence relay. This design and simulation is performed on MATLAB platform.
  • A Domestic Robot for Security Systems Using Zigbee TechnologyThis project aims to build a robotic vehicle that can enhance the security at homes. This project achieves the door locking system with active input from ultrasonic sensor and PIR sensors. A camera attached to this system enables the remote monitoring using Zigbee technology.

For more knowledge on various projects ideas, visit the following pages:

48 Responses

  1. Pls, admin if u hv d project 4 d topic below, cn u help m send it throug my e-mail. Constructiön and implementation of a micro controller based such, over voltage and under current line protection

  2. Nice projects. I liked them.
    Do you mind sending me a solar power related project.. Please do if you can via my email.

  3. Pls send me small project detail for three phase faults theory with step by step illustrations for our final yr project at GTU Myanmar

  4. Nice project ideas, really appreciated.
    Just send me project idea reports on enverter based protection system.
    (through my email address)

  5. Good day,
    you have nice good projects. I am on my final year and I got interested in your projects,

    May you please help me with one of this projects:

    – Power Generation Using Foot Step
    – Wireless Power Transfer
    – Production of electricity by the method of road power generation


    Aloisio Cesar

  6. nice project topics….
    would you please send me a project on temperature controlled fan or

    three phase changer using radio frequency remote….

  7. woooow very interesting projects i realy liked them please give me some hilights about semester end projects if you can with my email.

  8. This is an incredible rundown of free PCB structure programming.
    A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing this rundown.


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