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Electronics Tutorials

Logic gates are the basic elements in digital world. In the previous article we have learnt about basic logic gates. These basic gates can be

Karnaugh Map or K-map is introduced by a telecom engineer, Maurice Karnaugh at Bell labs in 1953, as a refined technique of ‘Edward Veitch’s Veitch

Like shift registers and other combinational circuits, there is another important element in digital electronics which we use most. They are counters. Counters are used

Actuators convert a given kind of energy into mechanical energy. There are different classes of actuators depending on the physical principle on which the energy

What is a Photodiode? It is a form of light sensor that converts light energy into electrical energy (voltage or current). Photodiode is a type

In this tutorial, we will learn about an important concept in Control Systems known as Open Loop System. We will explore some basics of system

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Implementation of Boolean Functions using Logic Gates. In our previous tutorial, we learned about the Boolean Algebra

In this tutorial, we will learn about Active Filters Design in brief. In the previous tutorial, I have discussed all the types of Active Filters

Introduction A Diode is an electronic component that has two terminals and allows current to flow only in one direction. Of the two terminals, one

Bridge is a type of electrical circuit. Bridge rectifier is a type of rectifier in which diodes were arranged in the form of a bridge.