Raspberry pi

An RF or Radio Frequency Controlled Robot without using a Microcontroller is a Robotic vehicle that uses the Radio Frequency wireless communication between the remote

Let us continue exploring Raspberry Pi and its features by Interfacing L298N Motor Driver with Raspberry Pi and control a DC Motor with the help

In this tutorial, I will show you how to blink an LED using Raspberry Pi. In order to blink the LED, we need to access

In this project, we will see how to implement a PIR Motion Sensor using Raspberry Pi by learning how to interface a PIR Sensor with

Ultrasonic Sensors, particularly HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, are very popular among electronic hobbyists and are frequently used in a variety of projects like Obstacle Avoiding Robot,

In this project, we will learn about DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor and how the Raspberry Pi DHT11 Humidity Sensor interface works. By Interfacing DHT11

In the previous DS18B20 Digital Sensor Project, we have seen how to interface Arduino with DS18B20 and display the temperature on a 16X2 LCD Display.

Interfacing a Touchscreen LCD with a Raspberry Pi is very useful as this setup can be used to develop Raspberry Pi based stand-alone systems like

Setting up WiFi on Raspberry Pi 2 is different from setting up on Raspberry Pi 3 as Raspberry Pi 2 or earlier models doesn’t have

The Raspberry Pi 3 comes with on – board Wireless LAN (WLAN – 802.11n) i.e. WiFi and Bluetooth adapters. This means that all you need