
  Some people will let their phone run all the way down to zero before they plug it in to charge. Others will keep it

Whether you’re online to earn a living, take a course, get vital news updates or just chill, a decent internet connection is a 21st-century human

Whether it’s the humble calculator or a high-end mobile game, most of us don’t give much thought to the operation of smartphone apps until they

  Sometimes you want to skip ‘switching it off and on again.’ Sometimes you want to go straight to ‘giving it an almighty bang with

The digital age has transformed how we go about our daily lives. Smartphones, tablets and personal computers have become ubiquitous in society, when it was

Whether you use your computer for intense gaming sessions, rendering high-definition art or just getting lost down YouTube rabbit holes, one thing we all have

The best camera may be the one you have with you, but the best photo is the one that stays with its observer. And the

There are a million ways to kill a cellphone. Disposing of the body isn’t so easy. You might have several cellphones tell-tale hearting you from

Cell phones have truly taken over. As of 2023, 7.3 billion people around the world use a mobile phone, and 85% of Americans own a

  Might there be a poet in the machine, after all? Generative-AI tools are rapidly transforming multiple sectors, from marketing and journalism to education and