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In this project, I’ll show you how the MPU6050 Sensor works and also how to interface Arduino with MPU6050. We will be interfacing an MPU-6050

DHT11 is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor, which generates calibrated digital output. DHT11 can be interface with any microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. and

A DC Motor is a type of electric motor that converts DC electrical power to mechanical power i.e. a DC supply is converted to rotation

Sound is a phenomena that is a result of vibration of materials. Sound is characterized as a mechanical wave that carries mechanical energy. For the

In the previous tutorial, we have seen the concept of Serial Communication and how to transfer data between Arduino UNO and computer by using some

In the previous tutorial, we have analyzed the “Blink” sketch by understanding different objects of the sketch. We have seen about comments, setup, loop, pin

In the previous tutorial, we have seen how to write our own sketch for a circuit of our own. We have also seen some new

In the previous tutorial, we have seen how to install the Arduino IDE, configure or install the required USB drivers and also the basic setup

A decade ago, working around electronics involved knowledge in physics and math, expensive lab equipment, a laboratory type setup and important of all, love for

A Line Follower Robot, as the name suggests, is an automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. Usually,