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A circuit that can be AC or DC is the combination of active elements power supply sources and passive elements resistors capacitors and inductors Thus

For analysing the linear electric circuits that consists of two or more independent sources Voltage or current or both superposition theorem is extremely used particularly

As we have seen in previous articles for simplifying the circuits we used series and parallel combination of resistors to reduce the circuit complexity In

For analyzing DC circuits generally we use different methods such as ohm 8217 s law network theorems and other circuit simplification tools A DC circuit

Electricity is the flow of electric charge primarily electrons and understanding its principles lays the groundwork for more complex topics Alternating Current AC and Direct

Converting binary to decimal involves understanding the value each binary digit bit represents in the decimal system Each bit is assigned a power of 2

In general we represent the positive unsigned numbers without any sign indication and negative numbers with minus negative sign sign before them But these are

Latch is an electronic logic circuit with two stable states i e it is a bistable multivibrator Latch has a feedback path to retain the

Source transformation methods are used for circuit simplification to modify the complex circuits by transforming independent current sources into independent voltage sources and vice versa

In the previous tutorial we have seen the concept of Serial Communication and how to transfer data between Arduino UNO and computer by using some