Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM

We know the importance of notice boards in public places like railway stations, bus stations and airports. But changing notices day-to-day is a difficult task. This article explains you how to design a Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM technology. The project displays the data on LCD whatever we sent from the mobile.

There are many wireless communication technologies like Bluetooth, RF Communication, ZigBee, etc. but GSM Technology based communication allows long range, reliable and secure communication.

Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM

The Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM project, as the name suggests, is built around GSM Technology as mobile phones (that communicate through GSM Technology) have become very abundant, cheap and easy to use.

NOTE: We need a Mobile Phone to send the Message (Notice) and a GSM MODEM to receive that notice.

Related Post: RFID Based Attendance System using Microcontroller

Construction and Output Video 

Circuit Principle

When we send the message from the mobile, the GSM Modem which is connected to the Microcontroller and the display unit, will receive the message. Now, the microcontroller reads the message from the GSM Modem and displays it on LCD.

When user sends the message from the mobile, GSM modem sends the below command serially to indicate that a new message is received.

+CMTI: “SM”,3

In the above command, number “3” indicates the location of the new message i.e. it is the third message in the inbox. Now you need to read this unread message to display on LCD. The command to read the message from GSM modem is


Here, the number “3” indicates the location of the message to be read. After giving this command to the GSM module, it will send the below command serially.

+CMGR: “REC UNREAD”,”MD-WAYSMS”,,”13/05/20,15:31:48+34″

Electronics Hub

In the above command, “REC UNREAD” indicates that message is unread message, “MD-WAYSMS” indicates sender mobile number or name, 13/05/20 indicates the date, 15:31 indicates time and Electronics hub is the content of the message.

From the above command we need to extract message (Electronics Hub) sent by the user to display it on the notice board (LCD).

Circuit Diagram of Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM

Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Circuit Diagram

Components for Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM 

Hardware Requirements

  • 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51)
  • 8051 Programming board (Programmer with cable)
  • 8051 Development Board
  • SIM 900A GSM MODEM (GSM Module)
  • SIM Card (for inserting in GSM Modem)
  • A mobile phone with a SIM Card already inserted
  • 16 x 2 LCD Display
  • 10 KΩ Potentiometer
  • Connecting wires
  • Power Supply
  • If 8051 Development Board is not available, then you need the following components
    • 2 x 10 KΩ Resistors (1/4 Watt)
    • 2 x 33pF Ceramic Disc type Capacitors
    • Push Button
    • 10µF / 16V Capacitor (Polarized)
    • 0592 MHz Quartz Crystal

Software Requirements

  • Keil µVision IDE (for writing the program and generating .hex file)
  • Willar Software (for burning the .hex file in to the microcontroller)
  • Proteus (for circuit diagram and simulation)
Buy Step by step Guide along with Code:Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM »

Circuit Design

The above circuit of the Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM consists of 8051 Microcontroller, GSM Module (Modem) and 16 x 2 LCD. Here, the 16 x 2 LCD is used to display message and is used in 8 – bit mode. Means, we need 8 data lines to display the data. The data lines of the LCD Display are connected to PORT1 Pins. The control pins RS, RW, and E pins are connected to P3.6, GND and P3.7 pins respectively.

The GSM Module is directly connected to the microcontroller as the logic levels of both the GSM Modem and Microcontroller are already matched in the GSM Module Board. If there is no level converter on the board, then we need to use MAX232 level converter as a mediator between Controller and GSM to transfer the data.

To know more details about max232 refer Max232 Datasheet

In order to communicate with the GSM Modem, we need to send some AT commands using serial communication (UART protocol). Here, GSM SIM 900A module is used. This module requires 9600 baud rate.

To know more details about GSM go through the article GSM Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller

Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Image 1
Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Image 2
Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Image 3
Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Image 4
Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM Image 5

Circuit Algorithm

  1. Initialize the LCD and UART protocol
  2. Check for the command +CMTI: “SM”,3 (Location number) to know whether the new message is received or not.
  3. If you receive the command, then store message location number.
  4. Now read that particular location and extract the body of the message.
  5. Display the message on LCD.

Use below code to display message on LCD wirelessly using GSM

while (rx_data() ! = 0x0d);
while (rx_data() ! = 0x0a);
if (rx_data() == ‘+’)
if (rx_data() == ‘C’)
if (rx_data() == ‘M’)
if (rx_data() == ‘T’)
while (rx_data() != ‘,’);
a = rx_data ();
delay_ms (10);
tx_string (“at”);
tx_data (0x0d);
tx_data (0x0a);
tx_string (“at + cmgf =1”);
tx_data (0x0d);
tx_data (0x0a);
tx_string (“at + cmgr =”);
tx_data (a);
tx_data (0x0d);
tx_data (0x0a);
while (rx_data() ! = 0x0a);
while (rx_data() != 0x0a);
while (rx_data() ! = 0x0a);
for (i=0; i<15; i++)
read [i]= rx_data();
delay_ms (5000);

Circuit Simulation Video

How to Operate Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM?

  1. Write the program to the wireless electronic  notice board using Keil software
  2. Now burn the program to the microcontroller with the help of hardware programmer and Willar Software.
  3. Give the connections as per the circuit diagram.
  4. Use power supply circuit to provide 5V DC to the microcontroller
  5. Insert the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) to the GSM module.
  6.  Now switch on the supply
  7. Send SMS to the GSM module using other mobile
  8. Now you can see the same message on LCD.

Circuit Advantages

  • No need of any complex wires to display the message on LCD as it is wireless.
  • Consumes less power and easy to operate.
  • The circuit is portable.

Circuit Applications

  • Used in bus stations, railway stations, parks, etc. to display the messages wirelessly
  • This Project can also be used in colleges and organizations.

Circuit Limitations

  • Display unit must have the network to receive the message wirelessly
  • As there is no password any one can send the message to display.

Download Project Code


128 Responses

  1. Hi;Thank you for what you ‘ve
    I wanted to take up orders please email me the AT commands interfacing module sim300 with the microcontroller ‘s AT89C51
    I urgently need my urgent orders , please

    1. 1.Why you need this project code?
      Ans:I am student of BSMRSTU, I am in EEE branch. i am doing my final year project with the same topic as above. i want this code to understand the serial interface of at89c52 and gsm using functions and c codes.
      2.re you trying to make the same project or different one?
      Ans: My project is almost same to it.
      3.Give us more details about your project.
      Ans: My project is wirless Electronic notice board by GSM and shown pdf in screen by using GSM communication.

  2. Why you need this project code?
    Ans- i am a student of juet guna, doing b tech from ECE branch, i am doing my final year project with the same topic i.e. “gsm based e-notice board”. we are done with microcontroller and lcd interfacing, but now for the other segment of the project i.e. gsm and controller interface we are facing some problem. the problem is we are using the same software keil for compilation, here we do not have any idea about the functions and header files to be used for AT89C52 and GSM serial communication, we want to send AT commands to gsm using AT89C52 and how microcontroller will respond to this. so all functions required to perform the task we need, so if you will send your complete project code(including header files and functions definitions) to me, i will be able to sort out my problems regarding coding.
    we are in urgent need so please respond as soon as possible.

    Are you trying to make the same project or different one?
    Ans- yes the project is almost same.

    Give us more details about your project.
    Ans- in our project we want to transmit the msg recieved by gsm module to lcd display with some other modifications like gsm to mobile acknowledgement, network detection by microcontroller etc.

        1. simulation is done in which software…………..and can it be done for lpc2148 microcontroller….please reply fast

  3. Why you need this project code?
    Ans- i am student of juet guna, doing btech from ECE branch. i am doing my final year project with the same topic as above. i want your project code to understand the serial interface of at89c52 and gsm using functions and c codes.

    Are you trying to make the same project or different one?
    Ans- the project is almost same.

    Give us more details about your project.
    Ans- it is our final year project. i will be very thankful to you if i get your project code because i am in urgency. please help

    thankyou so much

  4. Please can you give me the code in assmebly language for ATNEGA32 or for 8051. I need it ASAP. Yes i am doing the same project in my college,

    1. hai…am too doing the same project and i need to know step by step explanation for how to give connection in the board..please send me along with c codes..

  5. I need the complete c codes of gsm based notics board for our final year project i got the circuit diagram unfortunately i didn’t get the c codes..i searched many places but no use. i hope u will share the key codes for me.

  6. I want to do this project but I don’t have any idea about programming nd hw to dump to get out put…could u plzz help me nd I need project code…plzz send me detalis to my mail I.d

  7. i am studying in TE , we are doing the same project so we need the code.

    we want some modifications in it like displaying the previous msg with the current one simultaneously
    and even want to save the older msg.

    so can you plz send the code asap

  8. Am vincent malala from Arusha Tech college. Iwant to do the same project but I want to use it in college it needs a big size of notice due to more number of characters so i bag for the help on project code and more instructions on it

  9. we are doing wireless electronic notice board using Gsm .we want complete code used in this project please send the code it’s very urgent

  10. iam a third year student..iam very much intrested in this project…i wish to do this as my mini project…please send me project code immediately..

  11. I require the project details because iam doing this project in my college
    So I kindly request u to provide me the information regarding this project.

  12. hai…am too doing the same project and i need to know step by step explanation for how to give connection in the board..please send me along with c codes..

  13. Hii…I am third year student and I want to do this project as my mini project. …its urgent. ..plz send me code. …
    And thanks for help..

  14. Can extend the same for miltiple display boards such that we choose which message to be displayed in which board?

    1. Yess you can extend it.But using GSM you need more GSM modules…Better if you choose another technology other than GSM

      1. Instead of DB9 connector i’m using p3.0(rx) and p3.1(tx) to connect to GSM. Nothing is diplaying on LCD.

        some techn ical help is needed plz…….

        1. Check your connections once again…May be you have interchanged transmitter and receive pins…

          1. how to connect the db9 connectors of GSM MODULE and 8051 DEVELOPMENT BOARD as both are female connectors !

          2. how to connect the db9 connectors of GSM module and the 8051 board? both of them have the female db9 connectors !

  15. we are doing same project but small modification. Could you send project code please. Is it possible display image on notice board transmission through gsm.

  16. Please sir, I need the code. I’m doing this for my final year project.
    The code is needed for completion.
    Thanks for your cooperation sir.

  17. Hi, pls i need this code to do my final year project,
    I am working on the same project and i need it to assist me

  18. hello!
    I am a student…
    I need project code as I want to make a project using gsm on 89s52

    also I want to make a similar kind of project making some modifications…

    kindly provide me the code…
    thank you…

  19. Hii…I am third year student and I want to do this project as my mini project. …its urgent. ..plz send me code. …
    And thanks

  20. i need this project program because i am develop this project in my college and this above program not inbuild in arduino board pls help me and give ur number i contact to u

  21. i need this project program because i am develop this projevt in my college and this above program not inbuild in arduino board pls help me and give ur number i contact to u..

  22. i am studying in TE , we are doing the same project so we need the code.

    we want some modifications in it like displaying the previous msg with the current one simultaneously
    and even want to save the older msg.

    so can you plz send the code asap

  23. I am doing the same project ..I want project code to run the project .I request u to send me code of these project .

  24. Hi,
    I am a final year Btech (ECE) student, i am doing a project similar to this one and want to implement the same in my college. The diffrence between this project and mine is that i want to use a wifi module instead of gsm module to enhance security and also rhather then using the 16×2 lcd i want to use a glcd.
    I have one more question, can i use arduino uno instead of at89c51?
    If you can send me the program code for the project i described or the program code of your project, it will be a helping hand for me.
    Thank you

  25. i am a 2nd year engineering student and want to work on this project, kindly send me the code used in this project.

  26. I an a 3rd year student, and we are making this same project as our mini project. Although we are stuck with the code. I would be great full if anyone could please mail me the correct code asap… Mail id – himani.m.maggavi@gmail.com

  27. We want to implement same project. For final year project we need to do this. Can you send the code please?

  28. Please email me the source .asm code of this project . I m a TE student. I tried writing d code but somehow I can’t figure out d receiving of d msg from gsm module. I wanted the .asm code. I m going to b doing the same project for my college event. I m using 8051 4 bit LCD n sim900 gsm module. Plz help me out. cruzb4u@gmail.comcom. thnx

  29. I m a TE student .. I need thus project code asap .. I m using 4bit LCD, sim900 gsm module, 8051 . I needed .asm code . I m going to b doing the same project that is wireless electronic notice board . I will b very grateful if you’ll could mail me d code asap .

  30. Could you please forward me the complete project code to below email id. I’m in a hurry.

    Doing the same project as mini project in my college. I have some queries also, whom should I ask ? Please help me. Reply fast.


  31. i am astudent at debre markos university so i want to do the same project for my thesis so awant the code for this project plese send me dear

  32. Hi i want this code i am a student of electrical engineering i am doing this project Alphanumeric Display . So i want to display message using GSM module.
    By the help of this project i also want to operate home appliances wireless.

    So ts my humble request to send me project code as there might be use built in function. I will be grateful to you. Thankyou the below given is my email id so please send me.

  33. Plz send me the code.I’m technical college student and hope to do this for my final project.And it will give new notice board for my college also.Thanx in advance

  34. the source code file which you have uploaded here are not supporting because they are in .rar format. that file not even converting into any other formart

  35. i am working this project title for my semester project
    and i need only single message to execute to do this i am new for keil software and also i don’t know the syntax please help me!!!!!

  36. cant we have some big display … i mean large one at sentence one full sentence because it is very small ….

  37. I need this code because I am doing the project titled “wireless electronic notice board using GSM technology” for my semester project
    my project is almost similar but I didn’t include the password and user name
    my project is to display any message using GSM technology including remote area

  38. im a sudent of engineering, i need a code cause i try to doing this projects of final semister soo plzz give me a code.

  39. hello sir, i like your project and i am working on it i.e on this same project
    will you please send me the code for the same project .
    i need exact code please send it in my mail id .

  40. Hii,
    I’m planning to make this project using scrolling led matrix for my final year project. Can you please mail me the code.

  41. Why I need this code? I’m doing my final year project. This will fetch the attention of my faculty
    Is my project same? Yes almost same.
    I’m trying to display the message on a matrix LED display with a password so that unauthorized users cannot send messages to the device

  42. I need the detailed codings for this project…since i am trying this for my miniproject contest….so plese help me.!

    1. Thanku for sharing link..we are very much impressed for this project and selected this as our mini project………………

      1. Not working with GSM sim900 MODULE..
        LCD show WIRELESS NOTICE and received msg is not displayed.

        also in uart.h file
        The function
        Unsigned rxdata (void) is given.

        It should be
        Unsigned char rxdata(void)
        But when I corrected this it
        LCD doesn’t show anything

        1. The project is very nice…but can you please send the entire code…I am doing my college project so its very urgent

  43. Can you please help me…..I am struggling with this thing circuit.This circuit is not actually interfacing my gsm module(sim 900).. pls help

  44. pls atach the complete source code gsm sim900A interfacing with microcontroler 8051 to my email page or total mobile simulation code in c programing.

  45. If i want the password based message transmission means what i have to do..??? Because i am going to implement this in my college notice board..so if anyone knows the number of the SIM they can misuse it… so i need a password based one..please kindly give the answer to me as quick as possible

  46. Can i make big display yes then how plzzz suggest mi the connetions of the big home made diplay and aurduino.
    Thank you.

  47. Hi, I tried to send the following commands in virtual terminal but it does not work,

    +CMTI: “SM”,3
    +CMGR: “REC UNREAD”,”MD-WAYSMS”,,”13/05/20,15:31:48+34″
    Hi World

    do you know the reason behind it? Thanks a lot for helping me

  48. Seriously, all of you asking for “full code” and adaptations for your college work should be ashamed!
    How about you try and do it yourself and try and understand how it works? If you put as much effort into research how something works than to blindly ask for everything on a plate then you’ll master it in no time!

    Doesn’t matter the country that you reside in, if everyone keeps asking for it to be done for them, the future generations of EE’s are going to be in a sorry state of affairs, soon there’ll be nobody that can do it because all they have done is copy and paste most of their lives!

    1. Please send me code for wireless Electronic Notice Board Using GSM.There was a less time to submitt the project.

  49. please am doing the same project and I want to order all the parts and components used in the project, where can I specifically get a full set of component delivered as soon as possible. also I want to change the size of the lcd screen. please send the tutorial if there is any.

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