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In this DIY project I will show you how to make a Simple Servo Motor Tester Circuit and how to use circuit in order to

In this tutorial I ll show you some of the important and frequently used ESP8266 AT Commands or AT Instruction Set ESP8266 WiFi Module offers

Temperature sensors are widely used in electronic equipment to display the temperature You can see the digital clock displaying the room temperature value It is

In this project we will learn about L293D and L298N Motor Drivers and also about Interfacing DC Motor with 8051 Microcontroller with the help of

In this project we will see a simple Home Security application called Electronic Eye Controlled Security System using LDR as the main sensor and a

In this project I will show you how to design a simple Police Siren Circuit using NE555 Timer IC I will also share with you

In this project I will show you how to design a simple circuit called Mobile Controlled Home Appliances without Microcontroller That 8217 s right Using

In this project I will show you how to design a simple Digital Clock Circuit using 8051 and DS12C887 as well as DS1307 RTC Modules

Even after the introduction of newer display technologies LCDs still remain relevant even today LCD displays are used for multiple purposes TV Monitor Mobile Phones

In this article we have implemented two different RFID based Attendance system Projects using 8051 Microcontroller and AVR ATmega 8 Mirocontroller Attendance in colleges is