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How to Check Monitor’s Refresh Rate?

Do you ever wonder if your monitor is performing its best? Checking your monitor’s refresh rate is key to smooth visuals and a great experience, whether you’re gaming, streaming, or doing everyday tasks. Many people overlook this simple but essential setting. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the easy steps to check and adjust your monitor’s refresh rate on various devices. By following this guide, you’ll unlock your monitor’s full potential for a sharper and more fluid viewing experience.

What Is Meant By The Refresh Rate (Hz) Of A Monitor?

The refresh rate of a monitor shows how many times per second the image is updated. It is measured in hertz (Hz). This affects the smoothness and clarity of motion on your screen.

Why It Matters:

  • Visual Comfort: High refresh rates reduce eye strain and fatigue, especially with long use.
  • Smooth Motion: For gaming and fast videos, a higher refresh rate offers a smoother experience. More frames are displayed each second.

Common Refresh Rates:

  • 60Hz: Standard for most monitors, suitable for general use.
  • 144Hz: Popular among gamers for smoother visuals.
  • 240Hz and Higher: Found in high-end gaming monitors for ultra-smooth graphics.

Factors Affecting Refresh Rate:

  • Monitor Technology: Different displays like LCD, LED, and OLED support different refresh rates. OLEDs often support higher rates due to faster pixel response times.
  • Graphics Card Compatibility: Your graphics card (GPU) can limit the refresh rate. Even if the monitor supports a high rate, the GPU must handle it consistently.
  • Video Source and Cable Type: The refresh rate can be limited by the video source and the type of cable. Older HDMI cables may not support high rates, unlike newer DisplayPort cables.

How To Check Monitor’s Refresh Rate?

Understanding your monitor’s refresh rate is important for a smooth visual experience, especially for gaming or video editing. In Windows 11, checking and adjusting your monitor’s refresh rate is easy. Here’s how to do it:

Step-By-Step Guide

  • Click on the Start Menu and select the Settings icon (gear-shaped).

settings-check refresh rate

  • Alternatively, press Windows + I to open Settings directly.
  • In the Settings menu, click on System.

system settings-check refresh rate

  • Select Display from the options on the left-hand side.

display-check refersh rate

  • Click on Advanced display settings.

advanced display settings-check refresh rate

  • In the Advanced display settings, you will see information about your display, including the current refresh rate.

select refresh rate

  • The refresh rate is listed under Choose a refresh rate.

different refresh rates

  • Select the desired refresh rate from the list of available options.
  • After selecting a new refresh rate, click Apply.

choose preferred refresh rate

  • Your screen might flicker or go black for a moment as the new settings are applied.
  • Confirm the change when prompted to keep the new refresh rate.


What refresh rates are common for monitors?

The most common refresh rate for monitors is 60Hz. This means the image refreshes 60 times per second. It is perfect for everyday tasks and basic gaming. However, higher refresh rates are becoming popular for smoother visuals and fast-paced activities. Common options are 120Hz, 144Hz, and even 240Hz. These rates improve responsiveness in fast-action games and creative design work.

How can I check my monitor’s refresh rate on Linux?

To check your monitor’s refresh rate on Linux, open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Type xrandr and press Enter. Look for the line with your monitor’s resolution. The numbers followed by “Hz” show the supported refresh rates.

Do higher refresh rates use more power?

A higher refresh rate monitor itself won’t use much more power. The main factor is your GPU, which needs to push more frames per second (fps). If your GPU is already maxed out at 60fps, it will work harder and use more power to achieve a higher refresh rate. However, if your GPU handles higher fps easily, the power increase will be minimal.

Can all HDMI cables support high refresh rates?

Not all HDMI cables support high refresh rates. It depends on the HDMI version. Older versions like HDMI 1.4 and below usually max out at 60Hz for 1080p. For higher refresh rates like 120Hz or 144Hz, you need a cable that supports HDMI 2.0 or later. These newer versions have more bandwidth to handle the extra data for smoother images.

Can I check and change the refresh rate on a dual-monitor setup?

You can change the refresh rate for each monitor in a dual-monitor setup through your display settings. On Windows, right-click on your desktop and select “Display Settings.” On a Mac, go to “System Preferences” > “Displays.” Adjust the refresh rates for each monitor independently. If the monitors have different native refresh rates, you might need to use your graphics card’s control panel to set each monitor to its maximum potential.


Understanding and checking your monitor’s refresh rate is crucial. It optimizes your visual experience. Ensuring your monitor operates at its best allows you to enjoy smoother visuals and better performance. Stay informed and regularly check your settings to maintain a high-quality display. This simple step can enhance your overall viewing experience significantly.

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