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How To Fix Samsung TV Not Connecting To WIFI?

Experiencing connectivity issues with your Samsung TV can disrupt your streaming and browsing activities. This common problem can be from various sources ranging from network issues to software glitches in the TV itself.

This guide will address common reasons why your Samsung TV may not be connecting to WiFi and provide detailed solutions to resolve the issue effectively.

How To Fix Samsung TV Not Connecting To WiFi?

By following below instructions, you’ll be able to restore your Samsung TV’s WiFi connectivity and get back to enjoying seamless online content.

1. Restarting Your Samsung TV and Router

A classic yet effective approach is to start with a simple restart. Simultaneously, restart your WiFi router. Allow both devices to rest for a few minutes before plugging them back in and powering them on. This basic reset often clears temporary glitches and can re-establish a solid connection.

  • Power off your Samsung TV and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Simultaneously, restart your WiFi router.
  • Allow both devices to rest for a few minutes.
  • Plug them back in and power them on.why does my samsung tv keep disconnecting wifi

2. Updating Firmware for Smart Samsung TVs

For smart Samsung TVs, keeping the firmware updated is crucial. Navigate to the TV’s settings menu and check for any available software updates. If an update is available, proceed with the installation. Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues with the latest WiFi protocols, hindering your TV’s connectivity.

  • Navigate to the TV’s settings menu.
  • Check for any available software updates.
  • If an update is available, proceed with the installation.
  • Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues with the latest WiFi protocols, hindering your TV’s connectivity.

3. Network Configuration Check

Ensure that your home network is configured correctly. Check for any changes in your WiFi password, security settings, or network name. Sometimes, a simple discrepancy in these settings can prevent your Samsung TV from connecting. Confirm that the TV’s network settings match the information of your home network.

  • Ensure your home network is configured correctly.
  • Check for changes in your WiFi password, security settings, or network name.
  • Confirm that the TV’s network settings match your home network information.

4. Connecting to 2.4GHz vs. 5GHz Networks

Samsung smart TVs often support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi bands. While 5GHz offers faster speeds, it has a shorter range compared to 2.4GHz. If your TV is having trouble connecting, try switching between these bands to see if one provides a more stable connection, especially if your TV is located at a distance from the router.

5. Resetting Network Settings on Your Samsung TV

If all else fails, consider resetting the network settings on your TV. This action will erase any saved WiFi networks and require you to set up the connection anew.

  • Navigate to the TV’s settings.
  • Locate the Network or General tab.
  • Choose the option to reset network settings.
  • Follow on-screen prompts to reconnect your TV to the WiFi.

6. Seeking Professional Help

In some cases, resolving WiFi connectivity issues may require professional assistance. If the problem persists despite your efforts, contacting Samsung’s customer support or seeking help from a qualified technician can provide a tailored solution based on your TV model and specific circumstances.

Why is My Old Samsung TV Not Connecting To WIFI

Step 1: Check for Firmware Updates

  • Visit the Samsung website and download the latest firmware update for Television.
  • Click on download.
  • Extract the downloaded files to a USB that does not have any other data on it.
  • Connect the USB to the TV and press the “Menu” button on the remote.
  • Now choose “ByUSB.”
  • Click on “OK,” and the firmware update will begin.

Step 2: Confirm WiFi Protocol Support

Older TVs may not support the latest WiFi protocols.

  • Check your TV’s manual or specifications to determine its supported protocols.
  • If incompatible, consider using a WiFi adapter compatible with your TV.

Step 3: Optimize WiFi Signal Strength

  • Position your TV closer to the router to improve signal strength.
  • Reduce interference by placing electronic devices away from the TV.
  • If possible, consider upgrading your router for better compatibility.

Step 4: Use a Wired Connection

  • For a stable connection, consider using an Ethernet cable.
  • Connect one end to the TV and the other to your router.
  • This eliminates WiFi-related issues and provides a direct, reliable link.

Step 5: Consider External Streaming Devices

  • Explore external streaming devices like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick.
  • Connect these devices to your older TV via HDMI for streaming capabilities.
  • This workaround ensures access to online content without relying on the TV’s built-in WiFi.

Step 6: Factory Reset as a Last Resort

  • Go to Settings > General.
  • Select Reset.
  • The default PIN is 0000.

By following these steps tailored for older Samsung TVs, you can address compatibility challenges and enhance the likelihood of a successful WiFi connection.

 Step 7: Configure the DNS Settings

DNS is a crucial part of network services, so if your system does not work smoothly, try to reconfigure DNS to Google DNS services.

  • Navigate to Settings > General > Network > Network Status.
  • select IP Settings.
  • Go to DNS Settingsand select Enter Manually.
  • Now enter 8.8.8 (It is Google’s DNS address).
  • Now, try connecting again.


What does Error Code 107 on my Samsung TV mean?

Error Code 107 indicates a failure to establish a secure connection with your WiFi network. This can disrupt your TV’s connectivity, leading to viewing interruptions.

What could be causing my Samsung TV to not connect to Wi-Fi?
Possible reasons include network problems, outdated firmware, or issues with the TV’s settings.
Is it helpful to move my Samsung TV closer to the router if it’s not connecting to Wi-Fi?
Yes, physical distance and obstacles can affect Wi-Fi signal strength. Moving the TV closer to the router may improve connectivity.
Could device interference affect TV’s Wi-Fi?
Yes, other electronic devices or neighboring networks can interfere with Wi-Fi signals. Try moving the TV away from potential sources of interference.


As technology progresses, it’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of troubleshooting when dealing with devices. Identifying and resolving various system and device issues independently is vital for effective operation. This article aims to offer valuable insights into troubleshooting methods, empowering readers to address challenges confidently.

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