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How to Insert a YouTube Video into PowerPoint?

An easy way to significantly enhance any Microsoft PowerPoint presentation is by adding a YouTube video to it. This can greatly impact the engagement with your target audience. Although animations and graphics are very crucial in any PowerPoint presentation, a video can be a game changer.

It would offer a refreshed take on conveying any information, and it will get absorbed by the audience in a short duration of time as well. Videos have the power to influence the actions and choices of the viewer. If you wish to take your presentation up a notch, this article can help you out. Here we detail several ways to make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging and attractive by adding videos from YouTube to them. To Insert GIF into PowerPoint?

How to Insert a YouTube Video into PowerPoint?

If you have the version 2010 or later of Microsoft PowerPoint, there would be a built in tool using which you can add YouTube videos to your presentation. Here are a few different ways to insert a YouTube video into your PowerPoint presentation.

Method 1:- Insert a YouTube video by using the URL link

  • Launch YouTube on your device and navigate to the video you wish to insert into your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Select the URL in the address bar and copy it.
  • Now, go to your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide in which you want to insert the video.
  • Click on ‘Insert’, go to ‘Media Group’, and select ‘Video’.
  • From the menu, click on ‘Online Videos’.How to add youtube video in powerpoint
  • Paste the URL here.insert video url in powerpoint
  • Once you have inserted the video into your presentation, you can move and resize it as per your requirements.Insert a YouTube video by using the URL link

Method 2:- Insert a YouTube video by using the Embed Code

  1. Open YouTube on your device and go to the video you want to insert into your presentation.
  2. Click on the ‘Share’ icon and then on ‘Embed’, which will generate a HTML code.
  3. You will need to copy this entire HTML code.Copy embed code in youtube
  4. In case you want to play this video at a particular time during the presentation, you can select the start time of the video and later copy the URL.
  5. After this, go to your presentation and select the slide where you wish to place the YouTube video.
  6. Go to ‘Insert’, select ‘Media Group’, and then click on ‘Video’.
  7. From the menu, click on ‘Online Videos’.
  8. Now you can paste the copied Embed Code in the address bar.paste embeded code in powerpoint
  9. Once done, the video can be resized and moved as per your choice.Insert a YouTube video by using the Embed Code

Method 3:- Insert a YouTube Video by downloading it to your PC

  1. You can easily download the YouTube videos if you have subscribed to the premium version of YouTube.
  2. You can use a third-party application to download the YouTube video if you do not have a YouTube premium youtube video
  3. Once you have downloaded the YouTube video you want to your computer, go to your presentation and select the slide where you want to place this YouTube video.
  4. Click on the ‘Insert’ tab, select ‘Media Group’, and then click on ‘Video’.
  5. Now, click on ‘This Device’, and select the YouTube downloaded video to insert it.insert video using This device
  6. Using this method, you can play the YouTube video during your presentation even without an internet connection.Insert a YouTube Video by downloading it to your PC

Method 4:- Insert a YouTube video in PowerPoint via iSpring Suite

iSpring Suite would add an extra tab to the PowerPoint which would allow the users to access all its features from Microsoft PowerPoint itself. Basically, iSpring Suite is a third-party add on which integrates with the interface of Microsoft PowerPoint. This creates additional functionalities using which you can create engaging and creative eLearning courses. To use iSpring Suite, you can follow the steps given below.

  1. On your web browser, navigate to and download iSpring Suite.
  2. Go to YouTube and look for the video you want to insert in your presentation.
  3. Copy the URL link of the video from the address bar.
  4. Now go to your PowerPoint presentation and select the iSpring Suite tab which automatically would have appeared once downloaded.
  5. Select the particular slide in your presentation where you want the YouTube video.
  6. In the video link box, paste the copied YouTube video URL.
  7. You can select ‘Preview’ to view how the video would appear in your presentation.
  8. Once you are okay with the video placement, you can click on ‘OK’.
  9. You can preview the video again and if everything looks fine, you can click on ‘Publish’.
  10. From the menu on the left side of your screen, click on ‘My Computer’. Your presentation will get published on the web.
  11. You can select the video format you want from the list and then click on ‘Publish’.

Also Read: What Is YouTube TV?

How to customize the inserted YouTube video in PowerPoint?

Once you have inserted the YouTube video in your PowerPoint presentation by using the methods detailed in the above sections, you can now customize it as per your choice in the following way.

1. To adjust size and position:

  • Click on the video to select it.
  • Adjust the size of the video with the help of the resizing handles.
  • Reposition the video on the slide by dragging it.

2. To control how the video plays:

  • Select the video in your presentation and select ‘Playback’ on the ribbon.
  • You can select either of these options according to your requirement: ‘Start’, ‘Stop’, and ‘Volume’.
  • Check the box in front of ‘Play Automatically’.

3. To format and design:

  • You can customize the video appearance by applying any of the formatting options on Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • You can add formatting features like borders, shadows, and many other things with the help of the ‘Format’ option.
  • With the help of the ‘Playback and Video Format’ tab, the video in your presentation can be customized however you like.

Insert a Youtube Video in Powerpoint-FAQs

1. How do I insert a YouTube video into PowerPoint?

A. If you want to insert a YouTube video into PowerPoint, go to ‘Insert’, select ‘Online Video’ from ‘Media Group’, click on ‘YouTube’, and paste the copied URL of the YouTube video. Once done, click on ‘Insert’ to insert the video to PowerPoint.

2. What versions of PowerPoint support inserting YouTube videos?

A. The versions, PowerPoint 2013, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2019, and Microsoft 365, support the feature of inserting YouTube videos.

3. How do I ensure the YouTube video plays automatically during my presentation in PowerPoint?

A. To make the YouTube video start automatically during your PowerPoint presentation, first select the video, go to ‘Playback’, and check the box in front of ‘Play Automatically’.

4. What if the YouTube video doesn’t play during the presentation?

A. If the YouTube video is not playing during the PowerPoint presentation, you must first check whether your internet connection is working and is stable. A good practice would be to always check whether the video is playing well before your actual presentation to address and rectify issues, if any.

5. Is it possible to add captions or subtitles to the YouTube video in PowerPoint?

A. If the YouTube video you selected has captions, it will get imported automatically. If not, you can use the ‘Captions’ option in the ‘Playback’ tab to format or make edits to the captions in the video.


If you want your PowerPoint presentation to make an impact and convey your message effectively, it is always a good idea to include videos in it. You can use the methods described in the above article to elevate your presentation to the next level by adding YouTube videos. Once you have added the YouTube video you want to your PowerPoint presentation, you can customize it using certain PowerPoint features as described above.

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