Is Ring Spotlight Camera Always Waterproof?

Ring spotlight camera can be great for outdoor home security. It comes with several smart features for ensuring complete security. As it is an outdoor camera, it will have to bear heavy downpours as well as other weather conditions. However, there has always been a question if the Ring spotlight camera is waterproof and if it can sustain harsh weather scenarios. The following article lets you know everything you need to know about Ring cameras.

ring cameras waterproof

Is Ring Spotlight Camera Always Waterproof?

The company sells the spotlight camera as weatherproof. However, it does not mean it is waterproof. It has to be noted that some products are weather-resistant and not waterproof. You can easily use the camera for temperatures ranging from -20.5-degree Centigrade to 48.5 degrees Centigrade.

It can also bear other weather conditions but is not waterproof. Some spotlight cameras come with a water-resistant rating of IP55. This means that they can withstand heavy rain but are unsuitable for submerging in the water.

 What Is The Difference Between Weatherproof and Waterproof?

Before we move on to the product, it is important to know the meaning of weather-resistant, waterproof and water-resistant. Even though these words sound similar, they are completely different. When we say weatherproof, it means that it is capable of withstanding inclement weather conditions be it hot weather or cold weather. It is also suitable for windy climates as well as normal to heavy rainfall. This makes any product suitable for outdoor use.

Waterproof on the other hand means that it is weatherproof by default. You can easily use a waterproof product for swimming and jogging in the rain. It also allows you to submerge it in water for a certain period. So, the Ring floodlight camera has an IP rating of IP56 that makes it withstand multiple elements but is not submersible.

What Is Ingress Protection(IP Rating)?

Ingress Protection or the IP rating is in numbers that help to protect from dust and liquid. The first digit stands for solid particle protection. If it has the first digit of “6”, it will offer complete protection from dust. The digit “5” represents dust protection that prevents entering the device. Ratings of “4” and “3” protect from insects and small wires and tools and wires respectively. A “0” rating means there is no protection. At times it can also come with an “X” which means that there is no data for protection.

In the Ingress Protection rating, the second digit is for liquid protection. An “X” represents no description. “0” rating offers no protection at all. A rating of 9K can be great for extreme conditions. “7” and “8” ratings are suitable for immersion. Even “6” and “6K” can bear increased pressure. If it has a rating of “5”, it offers protection from water jets of high force. With “4”, it can tolerate the splashing of water with medium force.

Is It Possible For Ring Spotlight To Get Wet?

You may be wondering if the Ring spotlight can become wet. The answer to the question is Yes and No. It can get wet from the outside of the casing. However, the inside of the camera will not. With the Ingress Protection rating of IP55, it can tolerate liquid pressure which is similar to water jets. You don’t have to worry about heavy rains or even water that comes from garden pumps. But it does not mean that you can immerse the camera in the water, as it is not fully waterproof.

Are All The Ring Cameras waterproof?

Ring cameras can tolerate certain conditions and all of them have varying IP ratings. However, not all of us prefer spotlight cameras in our place. For this reason, you can opt for other models. The Floodlight camera comes with a rating of IP56 which makes it tolerate high-power water jets. Stick Up has a rating of IPX5 which does not offer protection from dust but can tolerate high water force. The wired Spotlight battery comes with an IP55 rating that offers protection from water which is equal to water jets.

Is Ring Floodlight cam waterproof?

The Ring Floodlight camera is perfect for outdoor use and offers overall protection. It comes with an IP56 rating. This means that it does offer protection from water but is not suitable for storms and heavy rain.

Is Ring Stick up Cam Weatherproof?

As the Ring Stick Up cam comes with an IPX5 rating, it will not offer any protection from dust. It only offers protection from water. So we can say that it is not fully waterproof.


We know that the Ring spotlight camera can be great for improving home security. It comes with weather-resistant construction that makes it withstand multiple elements. The one that comes with a higher IP rating offers better waterproofing ability. Even though it is a reliable brand, the camera is not perfect for complete submission. For this reason, you will have to protect it from water damage.

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