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What are the Different Types of Generators ?

When you have items that need cooling constantly, put them in a refrigerator or freezer and run them continuously. However, during a power outage, you need a generator to power the refrigerator without interruptions.

Since a refrigerator is a high-power appliance, you must choose a powerful generator to run your refrigerator during a power outage. We will discuss the different types of generators and explain the size and watts of generators you need to purchase for your refrigerator.

What are the Different Types of Generators?

Before selecting the size of the generator, you have to select the type of generator you want to purchase. There are various types of generators available, and we have discussed them below.

1. Power Generator

Power generators used to be the most popular generator type. A power generator uses fossil fuel to generate power. However, it emits fumes that contain poisonous carbon monoxide. That is why its popularity declined when better generator types surfaced. The modern power generator offers multiple fuel options for users’ convenience.

2. Solar Generator

Solar generators are steadily becoming popular as they are a one-time investment. After installing a solar generator and solar panel, the energy from the sunlight falling on the panel is stored in a battery and delivered to the generator. The operational cost is negligible, and they do not emit poisonous fumes. However, a solar generator is unsuitable for a continuous cloudy atmosphere as sunlight is its fuel.

3. Gasoline Generator

Gasoline generators are quite popular as gasoline is widely available. Gasoline generators are available in different sizes though the small ones are most popular for portability. The noise level of the gasoline generators is higher, and you have to deal with it as you are likely to purchase a sizable gasoline generator to power your refrigerator.

4. Propane Generator

Propane generators are better than gasoline generators because they are quieter. The emission of fumes from propane generators is considered cleaner than gasoline. There are different sizes of propane generators available to choose from to power your refrigerator during a power outage.

5. Diesel Generator

Diesel generators are popular in rural areas where gasoline and propane are not readily available. Unlike gasoline and propane generators, diesel generators are relatively large and more powerful. They can support as much as the load of the entire building, but they are noisy.

6. Dual Fuel Generator

Since generators based on fuels need refilling, dual-fuel generators are better than the usual single-fuel generator. You have the option to refill either one of the compatible fuels. Usually, dual-fuel generators are compatible with propane as well as gasoline. If you run out of one fuel, the generator can use the other available fuel while you can refill the other with your time.

7. Standby Generator

The difference between a standby generator and a traditional generator is that it automatically restores power during a power outage. You have to manually start a traditional generator during a power outage which is going to consume time if you are not around. A standby generator acts as a backup generator, and it is powered by natural gas or a battery.

8. Battery-Powered Generator

The battery-powered generator is the most convenient generator. It does not need any fossil fuel or timely refilling. It does not emit harmful fumes, and it is energy efficient. Most importantly, it is a noiseless generator though it is unlikely to be as powerful as generators based on diesel. But it can serve a refrigerator or freezer comfortably.

How Many Watts Are Required for a Refrigerator?

The watts needed to start and run a refrigerator are different. Usually, the start operation needs more watts than running the refrigerator. Here is the list of the starting watts and running watts of different types of refrigerators and freezers.

Appliance Starting Watts Running Watts
Mini Refrigerator 200-400W 50-100W
Smart Refrigerator 500-750W 250W
Under-counter Refrigerator 500-600W 150W
Old-Style Refrigerator 1500-2000W 500-800W
Glass Refrigerator 500-600W 150W
Mini Freezer 200W 50W
Deep Freezer 1500W 400-500W

These are rough estimations of wattage for different types of refrigerators and freezers. You have to check your refrigerator’s manual to find out the exact starting and running watts. Usually, the starting watts are 3-4 times the running watts. Therefore, when you are buying a generator for the refrigerator, you have to consider the starting watts.

What Generator Size Do You Need to Run a Refrigerator or a Freezer?

The size of the generator required to run your refrigerator and freezer depends on the size of the refrigerator and freezer. In other words, the generator’s wattage depends on the starting wattage of your refrigerator or freezer. Here is the correlation between the size of the generator and the size of the refrigerator and freezer.

  • A small refrigerator and freezer needs a 1000W generator to work.
  • A standard refrigerator and freezer needs a 3000W generator to work.
  • A large refrigerator and freezer needs a 5000W generator to work.

For domestic purposes, a small or a standard refrigerator is widely used. Therefore, a 3000W generator should suffice. For commercial purposes, a large refrigerator and freeze is a popular choice. Therefore, a 5000W generator is essential.

Types of Generators FAQs –

1. Will a 2000 watt generator run a refrigerator?

Ans: Yes, a 2000W generator can run a refrigerator, but the refrigerator needs to be a small or medium-sized refrigerator. A 2000W generator is suitable for refrigerators with starting watts below 2000W. Large refrigerators have starting watts above 2000, and hence, they will not be suitable.

2. How big a generator do I need to run a refrigerator?

Ans: If you have a small refrigerator, a 1000W generator will be perfect. If you have a standard refrigerator, a 3000W generator will do the job. However, if you have a large refrigerator, you must purchase a 5000W generator.

3. Can I connect my refrigerator and freezer to a generator directly?

Ans: If you have a battery-powered generator, you can connect your refrigerator to your generator directly. However, for generators other than battery-powered generators, you have to check for any option to plug in the refrigerator. Otherwise, you have to use a power transfer system for your generator to power your refrigerator and freezer.

4. Can I run a refrigerator and freezer on a solar-powered generator?

Ans: Yes, a solar-power generator can run a refrigerator and freezer during a power outage. However, a standard solar-power generator is suitable for small to medium-sized refrigerators and freezers. Since it is basically a battery-powered generator, the battery needs to be powerful to run a standard refrigerator and freezer.

Conclusion –

It is essential to determine the generator size you need to purchase to run your refrigerator and freezer. A mismatch of wattage between your generator and refrigerator will render your generator useless. You have to find the starting and running watts of your refrigerator and freezer and purchase a generator with a wattage higher than the starting watts of your refrigerator.

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