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Gauge Size Chart | Sheet Metal Gauge Sizes (Ferrous and Non-Ferrous)

A significant part of metal coming out from mills (factories) is in the form of Sheet Metal. Metals such as steel, iron, copper, aluminum etc. are rolled into sheets and then supplied to manufacturers that use metal. We often use Sheet Metal in the manufacturing of automobiles, furniture, electrical appliances, boats, toys, barrels and many more. The Sheet Metal Gauge is an important number indicating the thickness of the sheet. If you work with sheet metals (either flat sheets or plates), it is very handy to know different gauge sizes of sheet metal. In this guide, let us take a quick look at Sheet Metal Gauge Size chart for some commonly used metals.

A Brief Note on Sheet Metal

The metal used in manufacturing of automobiles, food cans, air crafts, appliances etc. is originally in the form of large sheets. It is cost effective and easy to transport such sheets for mills to various parts of the world. Another advantage of sheet metals is that they have high elastic modulus and yield strength. This means that the products made with sheet metal have an excellent strength to weight figures.

The concept of rolling metal into sheets existed for a long time when jewelry makers used gold in the form of sheet, foil or rods. In late 16th century, we saw hard metals being rolled into sheets of consistent thickness by industrial rolling mills.

Automobiles also played an important role in the adaptation of sheet metal as cars must not only be light in weight but also have strength. Apart from automobiles and aircrafts, sheet metal roofing also became extremely popular, especially in the U.S.

Zinc coated steel sheets are main used for roofing as they resist corrosion. With the development of CNC machines and power tools, we started to explore the possibilities of shaping, cutting, welding sheet metal into a variety of shapes.

Categories of Sheet Metal

Sheet Metal is often available in different sizes and thicknesses. You can find sheet metal as thin as 0.025mm or 0.001inch and as thick as 150mm or 6inches. Depending on the thickness, we can categorize Sheet Metal into following groups.

  • Leaf: This form is often used for precious metals such as gold and silver. The thickness can vary from couple of atoms to 0.025mm (0.001inch).
  • Foil: With a thickness range of 0.025mm (0.001inch) to 0.15mm (0.06inch), Foil is slightly thicker than leaf and is generally applied to precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and also copper, aluminum and brass.
  • Sheet: The thickness of a flat sheet varies from 0.15mm (0.06inch) to 6mm (0.24inch). Sheets with thickness over 3mm are difficult to shape and require heavy machinery. But with sheets less than 3mm thickness, we can easily shape even with simple tools.
  • Plate: If the thickness is greater than 6mm (0.24inch), then we call it a plate.

Sheet Metal Thickness (Gauge Sizes)

We can express the sheet metal thickness both in millimeter (mm) and inches (in). But for the sake of convenience, almost all factories, mills, manufacturers, metal workers use different gauges such as Standard Wire Gauge (SWG), Brown and Sharp Gauge (B & S) and the Birmingham Gauge (BG).

Some important points about these gauges. The Brown and Sharp Gauge (B & S) is more popularly known as the American Wire Gauge (AWG) and the Birmingham Gauge is different to the Birmingham Wire Gauge (BWG).

We follow the manufacturer’s Standard Gauge (based on the standard wire gauge) for indicating thickness of ferrous metals (stainless steel, standard steel and galvanized steel). For non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, brass etc., we use the American Wire Gauge (AWG).

There is also a separate gauge specifically for Zinc. In normal gauges (SWG, AWG, BG), smaller gauge number indicates a thicker sheet. But for Zinc, this is opposite. Higher gauge number for Zinc indicates a thicker sheet.

Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart

Let us now see different Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart for ferrous (Stainless Steel, Standard Sheet Steel and Galvanized Steel), non-ferrous (Aluminum) and Zinc metals.

In the Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart, you can find the thickness corresponding to a gauge number in both millimeter (mm) and inches (in). Apart from the thickness, the charts also include weight per are in both pounds per square foot (lb./ft2) and kilograms per square meter (kg/m2).

Stainless Steel

Gauge No. Stainless Steel
Thickness Weight Per Area
Inches mm lb./ft2 kg/m2
7/0 (0000000) 0.5 12.7 20.808 101.594
6/0 (000000) 0.4686 11.902 19.501 95.213
5/0 (00000) 0.4375 11.113 18.207 88.894
4/0 (0000) 0.4063 10.32 16.909 82.555
3/0 (000) 0.375 9.525 15.606 76.195
2/0 (00) 0.3438 8.733 14.308 69.856
1/0 (0) 0.3125 7.938 13.005 63.496
1 0.2813 7.145 11.707 57.157
2 0.2656 6.746 11.053 53.966
3 0.25 6.35 10.404 50.797
4 0.2344 5.954 9.755 47.627
5 0.2187 5.555 9.101 44.437
6 0.2031 5.159 8.452 41.267
7 0.1875 4.763 7.803 38.098
8 0.1719 4.366 7.154 34.928
9 0.1562 3.967 6.5 31.738
10 0.1406 3.571 5.851 28.568
11 0.125 3.175 5.202 25.398
12 0.1094 2.779 4.553 22.229
13 0.0937 2.38 3.899 19.039
14 0.0781 1.984 3.25 15.869
15 0.0703 1.786 2.926 14.284
16 0.0625 1.588 2.601 12.699
17 0.0562 1.427 2.339 11.419
18 0.05 1.27 2.081 10.159
19 0.0437 1.11 1.819 8.879
20 0.0375 0.953 1.561 7.62
21 0.0344 0.874 1.432 6.99
22 0.0312 0.792 1.298 6.339
23 0.0281 0.714 1.169 5.71
24 0.025 0.635 1.04 5.08
25 0.0219 0.556 0.911 4.45
26 0.0187 0.475 0.778 3.8
27 0.0172 0.437 0.716 3.495
28 0.0156 0.396 0.649 3.17
29 0.0141 0.358 0.587 2.865
30 0.0125 0.318 0.52 2.54
31 0.0109 0.277 0.454 2.215
32 0.0102 0.259 0.424 2.073
33 0.0094 0.239 0.391 1.91
34 0.0086 0.218 0.358 1.747
35 0.0078 0.198 0.325 1.585
36 0.007 0.178 0.291 1.422
37 0.0066 0.168 0.275 1.314
38 0.0062 0.157 0.258 1.26

Standard Sheet Steel

Gauge No. Standard Sheet Steel
Thickness Weight Per Area
Inches mm lb./ft2 kg/m2
3 0.2391 6.073 9.754 47.624
4 0.2242 5.695 9.146 44.656
5 0.2092 5.314 8.535 41.668
6 0.1943 4.935 7.927 38.701
7 0.1793 4.554 7.315 35.713
8 0.1644 4.176 6.707 32.745
9 0.1495 3.797 6.099 29.777
10 0.1345 3.416 5.487 26.79
11 0.1196 3.038 4.879 23.822
12 0.1046 2.657 4.267 20.834
13 0.0897 2.278 3.659 17.866
14 0.0747 1.897 3.047 14.879
15 0.0673 1.709 2.746 13.405
16 0.0598 1.519 2.44 11.911
17 0.0538 1.367 2.195 10.716
18 0.0478 1.214 1.95 9.521
19 0.0418 1.062 1.705 8.326
20 0.0359 0.912 1.465 7.151
21 0.0329 0.836 1.342 6.553
22 0.0299 0.759 1.22 5.955
23 0.0269 0.683 1.097 5.358
24 0.0239 0.607 0.975 4.76
25 0.0209 0.531 0.853 4.163
26 0.0179 0.455 0.73 3.565
27 0.0164 0.417 0.669 3.267
28 0.0149 0.378 0.608 2.968
29 0.0135 0.343 0.551 2.689
30 0.012 0.305 0.49 2.39
31 0.0105 0.267 0.428 2.091
32 0.0097 0.246 0.396 1.932
33 0.009 0.229 0.367 1.793
34 0.0082 0.208 0.335 1.633
35 0.0075 0.191 0.306 1.494
36 0.0067 0.17 0.273 1.335
37 0.0064 0.163 0.261 1.275
38 0.006 0.152 0.245 1.195

Galvanized Steel

Gauge No. Galvanized Steel
Thickness Weight Per Area
Inches mm lb./ft2 kg/m2
8 0.1681 4.27 6.858 33.482
9 0.1532 3.891 6.25 30.514
10 0.1382 3.51 5.638 27.527
11 0.1233 3.132 5.03 24.559
12 0.1084 2.753 4.422 21.591
13 0.0934 2.372 3.81 18.603
14 0.0785 1.994 3.202 15.636
15 0.071 1.803 2.896 14.142
16 0.0635 1.613 2.59 12.648
17 0.0575 1.461 2.346 11.453
18 0.0516 1.311 2.105 10.278
19 0.0456 1.158 1.86 9.083
20 0.0396 1.006 1.615 7.888
21 0.0366 0.93 1.493 7.29
22 0.0336 0.853 1.371 6.692
23 0.0306 0.777 1.248 6.095
24 0.0276 0.701 1.126 5.497
25 0.0247 0.627 1.008 4.92
26 0.0217 0.551 0.885 4.322
27 0.0202 0.513 0.824 4.023
28 0.0187 0.475 0.763 3.725
29 0.0172 0.437 0.702 3.426
30 0.0157 0.399 0.64 3.127
31 0.0142 0.361 0.579 2.828
32 0.0134 0.34 0.547 2.669

Aluminum (and other Non – Ferrous Materials)

Gauge No. Aluminum (and other Non – Ferrous Materials)
Thickness Weight Per Area
Inches mm lb./ft2 kg/m2
6/0 (000000) 0.58 14.732 8.185 39.962
5/0 (00000) 0.5165 13.119 7.289 35.587
4/0 (0000) 0.46 11.684 6.492 31.694
3/0 (000) 0.4096 10.404 5.78 28.222
2/0 (00) 0.3648 9.266 5.148 25.135
1/0 (0) 0.3249 8.252 4.585 22.386
1 0.2893 7.348 4.083 19.933
2 0.2576 6.543 3.635 17.749
3 0.2294 5.827 3.237 15.806
4 0.2043 5.189 2.883 14.076
5 0.1819 4.62 2.567 12.533
6 0.162 4.115 2.286 11.162
7 0.1443 3.665 2.036 9.942
8 0.1285 3.264 1.813 8.854
9 0.1144 2.906 1.614 7.882
10 0.1019 2.588 1.438 7.021
11 0.0907 2.304 1.28 6.249
12 0.0808 2.052 1.14 5.567
13 0.072 1.829 1.016 4.961
14 0.0641 1.628 0.905 4.417
15 0.0571 1.45 0.806 3.934
16 0.0508 1.29 0.717 3.5
17 0.0453 1.151 0.639 3.121
18 0.0403 1.024 0.569 2.777
19 0.0359 0.912 0.507 2.474
20 0.032 0.813 0.452 2.205
21 0.0285 0.724 0.402 1.964
22 0.0253 0.643 0.357 1.743
23 0.0226 0.574 0.319 1.557
24 0.0201 0.511 0.284 1.385
25 0.0179 0.455 0.253 1.233
26 0.0159 0.404 0.224 1.096
27 0.0142 0.361 0.2 0.978
28 0.0126 0.32 0.178 0.868
29 0.0113 0.287 0.159 0.779
30 0.01 0.254 0.141 0.689
31 0.0089 0.226 0.126 0.613
32 0.008 0.203 0.113 0.551
33 0.0071 0.18 0.1 0.489
34 0.0063 0.16 0.089 0.434
35 0.0056 0.142 0.079 0.386
36 0.005 0.127 0.071 0.345
37 0.0045 0.114 0.064 0.31
38 0.004 0.102 0.056 0.276
39 0.0035 0.089 0.049 0.241
40 0.0031 0.079 0.044 0.214


Gauge No. Zinc
Thickness Weight Per Area
Inches mm lb./ft2 kg/m2
1 0.002 0.051 0.074 0.363
2 0.004 0.102 0.149 0.726
3 0.006 0.152 0.223 1.088
4 0.008 0.203 0.297 1.451
5 0.01 0.254 0.372 1.814
6 0.012 0.305 0.446 2.177
7 0.014 0.356 0.52 2.539
8 0.016 0.406 0.594 2.902
9 0.018 0.457 0.669 3.265
10 0.02 0.508 0.743 3.628
11 0.024 0.61 0.892 4.353
12 0.028 0.711 1.04 5.079
13 0.032 0.813 1.189 5.805
14 0.036 0.914 1.337 6.53
15 0.04 1.016 1.486 7.256
16 0.045 1.143 1.672 8.163
17 0.05 1.27 1.858 9.07
18 0.055 1.397 2.043 9.977
19 0.06 1.524 2.229 10.884
20 0.07 1.778 2.601 12.697
21 0.08 2.032 2.972 14.511
22 0.09 2.286 3.344 16.325
23 0.1 2.54 3.715 18.139
24 0.125 3.175 4.644 22.674
25 0.25 6.35 9.288 45.348
26 0.375 9.525 13.932 68.022
27 0.5 12.7 18.576 90.696
28 1 25.4 37.152 181.392


As Sheet Metal is one of the main forms of metal available for large manufacturers to small and DIY metal workers, understanding the different categories of sheet metal and also their thickness ranges are very important. In this guide, we saw a brief overview of sheet metal, different categories of sheet metal, sheet metal thickness and gauge sizes. We also learned different standards for sheet metal gauges and finally Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. SWG and AWG Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart.


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