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Leela Prasad


One of the essential electrical devices in modern residential electrical system is the GFCI A properly installed GFCI can save hundreds of lives from electrocution

Even though we do not use LED Strip Lights as main lighting in our homes and offices they are useful for several other purposes such

Whether you are working with wood metals or plastic you might end up in a situation where you have to make holes No we are

A Graphics Card or Graphical Processing Unit GPU is a special electronic circuit that boasts the processing power required to render the images that we

All machines including automotive engines need proper lubrication to minimize wear and tear of moving parts Engine Oil or Lubricating Oil creates an oil film

It s common for people especially beginners to get confused between chop saw and miter saw No surprise as they do look awfully alike to

Getting that perfect lighting color in your home is very important as it can look visually appealing creates an ambiance and brings out good mood

Espressif s ESP8266 is a Wi Fi SoC It has all the bells and whistles for Wi Fi Network connectivity as well as a very

Stepper Motors are the workhorses of several industrial robotic as well as consumer office electronics It rotates in steps and helps you achieve a precise

These days it is quite common for most people to use cloud drives on a daily basis Whether you want to backup files for digital