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Does Window Security Film Really Work?

If you have no windows or doors in office spaces and homes, they will seem nothing less than a prison cell. The glass windows are a great way to enclose a place while letting the outdoor sun in. However, when it comes to the security of our homes, glass windows are the weak link. Since glass can disintegrate easily with a bit of force and impact, they poses a great security threat.

You would be surprised to know that tempered glasses are even easier to break. These days, most of the homes have tempered glass installed in the sliding doors and windows due to a few mandatory safety protocols. To make these glass doors and windows more resilient, we make use of window security films. This article will tell you everything from what windows security films are and how they can be installed.

What is a Window Security Film and How are They Made?

Window security film is a layer that can be applied for added protection on the windows of your home or any other business space that you may have. It is generally made up of one or multiple polyester film layers. These layers are laminated stacked together using special adhesives. Their thickness can range from 4-15 mils, or even higher. While the thinner films are mostly used for UV protection or tint, the thicker films are used for providing protection against window glass breaking, tearing, or puncturing.

There are a few window security films manufactured using nanotechnology that are thinner and stronger but their cost is higher. For instance, a few 8 mil nanofilms perform as well as the 15 mil standard films. Such security films can be beneficial since they exhibit a greater tear strength than the standard films which makes it resistant to forced entry, bomb blasts, and extreme weather conditions. At the same time, the standard thick security films do provide good protection but they have the disadvantage of giving an opaque finish to the windows.

How to Install Window Security Film?

You can install a window security film by simply retrofitting it in your windows. The entire installation process is carried out at the job site. It starts with cutting precise layers of the film and applying them one by one to the different window surfaces using a special adhesive. If it is not installed correctly, small air bubbles and creases can get formed, this is why it is a job best assigned to the professionals.

There are two methods that can be followed while installing window security film,

1. Daylight Method

This is the most commonly used window security installation method. In this method, a small gap is left between the film and the existing window. When compared to other methods, this is very easy and it provides a decent protection level for your windows. However, such an installation cannot provide protection against aggressive intruders and bomb blasts.

2. Anchored Method

Due to the drawbacks of the previous method, several users opt for an anchored method for window security film installation. This method can be done in two ways,

  • Mechanical: In this method, the window security film is attached to the frame of the window. Unlike the previous method where the film is cut a little inside the glass edge, here the cut film extends farther than the edge. This film layer is secured onto the window frames using metal battens or some similar device.
  • Wet: Even here the window security film is attached to the window frame. However, instead of mechanically fixing it to the frame, an adhesive is used to seal the frame and the film together. A special adhesive is used here which is applied on the film edges to create a strong bond between the frame and the film. If this installation is carried out poorly, it can drastically deteriorate the window’s appearance. However, there are a few products that can effectively conceal the adhesive on the edges.

For tempered glass windows, the daylight method should not be used since an impact can cause the glass to break into several tiny pieces. For such windows, any of the anchored methods is best suited.

Before installing the window security films, you must consider how much you are willing to shell out. There are several factors that determine a security film’s cost. Each type of security film comes with its own set of properties that determines its cost. The average cost of a security film can range from $7-$15 /sq ft. Some users may also install anchoring to the film which would further increase the total cost of installing a window security film. A few factors that determine the cost of the window security film are:

  • Size and thickness of the film
  • Film type
  • French panes
  • UV protection layer
  • Surrounding conditions
  • Installation manpower

Does Window Security Film Really Work?

It’s highly encouraged for every person who owns a home or has a business space with windows to get window security film installed for added protection. Although window security film is a valuable safety solution, it still is not 100% perfect. However, it still provides a significant deterrent for any robbery attempt through the windows of your home.

For instance, if someone is trying to break your window to get in for malicious activity, they can easily break a window or drill a hole in it to get in quickly. But with a window security film, they would find it more difficult to break your windows which would give you extra time to either run out or inform the concerned officials.

What are the Benefits of Window Security Film?

Installing window security film has numerous benefits, a few of which are explained below.

  • Privacy: If you reside in a home that has windows towards a street frequented every day by the public, you can benefit from window security film installation. This can be useful even for stores that have large glass windows to display their merchandise. Such business spaces are susceptible to lure thieves with their products being displayed in an appealing manner through the window. A window security film will add an extra layer of protection for the windows of such spaces.
  • Visibility: When you install window security film, you can expect to have minimum to no change in the visibility of the glass window. They will not reduce the intensity of light which enters through the window nor will they obstruct the view from the window. However, there are a few thick window security films that can appear hazy and they would definitely be more noticeable when installed on your window.
  • Security: During a burglary, anything that can delay the entry of the intruder can be a huge plus. With window security film installed, your home windows will become really hard to break which causes a delay in the burglary attempt, giving you some extra time to take necessary action like calling the police, exiting from the building, or turning on your security lights.
  • Shatterproof: When installed, Window security film would provide additional protection against impact. It makes the window on which it is installed significantly shatterproof. Not only does this provide protection from thefts through the windows but it also provides protection against any injury that may happen due to the window glass breaking.
  • UV protection: Every window security film provides the benefit of UV protection by significantly reducing the UV light passing through your windows. UV light is not only responsible for skin damage but it can be detrimental to your furniture and other interior valuables as well. With such a film, you can prolong their life and appeal for longer.

What are Alternatives for Window Security Film?

If you do not want to install window security film but still need your home or any space you own to be safe, you can try out the alternatives below. These alternatives may not be as effective as window security film, but they are still better than not having any kind of deterrent for thefts and other unwanted scenarios.

  • Thorny Plants: You can lay out several thorny plants or bushes right outside your window. This will not draw a lot of attention to the windows and make them less likely to be peered through while making your garden look more attractive.
  • Window Covers: You can use curtains, shades, blinds, or other such covers to add a layer to your window. This way nobody can peep into your home and get lured by any of your belongings inside.
  • Window Guards: Another great way to make your windows secure is by adding window guards. They provide excellent security to your space while giving the accessibility to run out in case of an emergency.
  • Window Locks: You can even get locks for your windows. However, you need to ensure that you have the same key for all the locks to make your exit easy during an emergency. Basically, while you make it difficult for an intruder to get in, you need to ensure that it does not become challenging for you to get out during an emergency evacuation.

Window Security Film – FAQs

1. Is it possible to see through privacy window film during night time?

Ans: The indoor and outdoor brightness levels are the major determining factors of visibility through a privacy window film. Basically, if it is brighter outdoors, you can see the outside area from inside. However, if it is dark outside, the reverse will be applicable.

2. How should windows with security film be cleaned?

Ans: To clean windows with security film, you can use a soft cloth and a gentle agent like Windex. You must avoid materials with abrasive surfaces to prevent any scratches on the film. For the frames and sills, you will need to use a different cloth.

3. How does security film differ from security screens?

Ans: While the security screens provide protection against breakage, the security films provide protection against several other scenarios like bomb blasts, deliberate breakage, tornadoes, and even hurricanes.

4. Is security window film applied on the inside or outside of windows?

Ans: The security window film is typically applied on the window exteriors. However, if required, they can be applied on the interiors as well.

5. What is the recommended thickness for security window film?

Ans: The recommended thickness for security window film is between 8-14 mil. In a low-risk situation, thinner films work well while for protection against other hazardous scenarios like bomb blasts and thefts, thicker films are recommended. If you are looking to install the security film for tinting or solar protection, the thinner films will work just fine.


In today’s age where there are several robbery attempts and stalking cases reported, having a window security film is an absolute must. Although window security films are not your answer to completely avoid an unwanted situation like robbery, natural disasters, or intruder peeping, it still is an active deterrent for them. This article will help you buy, install, and utilize a window security film in the most appropriate way.

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