Steam Games Keep Crashing: Related Problems

Does your Steam game keep crashing the moment you click on it? Well, the issue seems to be a big deal at first glance, but don’t worry. There are several effective methods to deal with it. And all of these mentors are explained in detail in this article. 

So, let’s quickly resolve your issue. But, what if this issue is a bit different from what you’re facing?

Steam Games Keep Crashing: Related Problems

Chances are you’re experiencing not the exact issue mentioned above. However, I urge you to follow the troubleshooting methods, regardless of what you’re going through.

Some of the similar problems to the Steam game keeps crashing are-

  • Steam games keep freezing
  • Steam game crashes after playing for few minutes
  • The client app is crashing

How To Fix Steam Games Keep Crashing Issue?

The scope of the reasons for the crashing of the steam games varies in almost every direction. There’s no certain limitation here. It might be occurring because of a lack of free memory space, misconfigured video settings, or even because of outdated Windows versions.

Given below are some of the effective troubleshooting methods. These methods will help you to identify the root cause and also eradicate it properly. But here’s a thing before trying these basic and advanced methods, make sure you’re not lacking with some of the obvious things. Cross-check whether you have the most recent version of Windows, you’ve sufficient free space in your computer, etc.

Now, let us hop into these methods.

Verify The Integrity Of Your Game Cache

Steam continuously looks to make cache memory for your utmost gaming experience on the internet. However, the cache memory sometimes acts as an obstacle to the smooth gaming experience. This is why deleting the cache memory of the games from time to time is considered a good practice.

Here, you should also delete the cache of the trouble-causing specific games. To delete the cache file correctly, follow these steps.

The cache can be the culprit here as well, In case the game is stuck or crashes in between then it needs to be checked using the below steps.

  • Visit the Steam Client application and look for the “Library”.
  • You need to select the game which is causing the trouble. Open its properties by right-clicking on it.
  • In the top bar, select the “Local Files”. There’ll be an option with “Verify Integrity Of Game Cache” press it before closing everything.

Now try to play the game crashing in between to check if the issue is resolved or not.

Launch Steam Game With -Autoconfig Or -Safe Mode

Playing some high-end graphic games online is a no joke to your computer. In such situations, your computer is working hard to provide you with the utmost pleasure. However, there are chances that your machine might fail to bear the burden of the game’s hardware requirement.

Here’s a simple trick to resolve that. Use the Autoconfig command or the Safe Mode option for degrading the game’s needs up to a certain limit. In layman language, these options/commands look at the capabilities of your machine’s and compromise the graphics, CPU usage, etc of the game according to that.

Thus, as a result, you’ll experience a bit lower graphics but the game will go smoothly. For applying the autoconfig command, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Click on the Steam app, you’ve currently installed on your machine.
  • There’ll be a “Library” option, click on it.
  • You’ll get a complete list of the games you play. 
  • Now, you need to right-click on the game, where the problem occurs.
  • At the bottom, there’ll be an option named, “Properties”.
  • You’ll see the “Set Launch Options” toggle, click on it.
  • In the dialogue box write Autoconfig and press the OK button.
  • Now, check whether the issue has been resolved or not. If not, try to launch the game with the Safe Launch option.

For the Safe Launch option.

  • Follow the instructions mentioned above up to Step 5.
  • Write “Safe” this time, in the Dialogue box and click on OK.
  • Now, check for the issue.

Advanced Steps to Fix the Steam Games Keep Crashing Issue

I hope the methods mentioned above will help you to come over this issue. If you apply them correctly, there’s a high chance of getting the desired Steam gaming experience. 

However, on the other side, these methods might not be enough to resolve the issue from your computer. This is the indication to apply some advanced troubleshooting methods for peace. Let us have a look at them and try to apply them correctly alongside as well.

  • Method 1: Check on ClientRegistry.blob
  • Method 2: Safe-mode boot with Networking
  • Method 3: Giving Administrative access to
  • Method 4: Turn off the Firewall
  • Method 5: Exclude Steam file from anti-malware software
  • Method 6: Update Required Drivers
  • Method 7: Ultimate Hack: Reinstall Steam

Step 1

Check On ClientRegistry.Blob

The ClientRegistory.Blob is one of the fundamental files for the steam app. It stores the data related to the logins and cache files of the games you play. Oftentimes, a minute error in this file can lead the whole Steam system down. Therefore, a good idea would be to delete this file and check whether our mission has been completed or not.

Don’t worry, all the game data will not be lost. These data are stored in the cloud storage of Steam. However, make sure that you’ve noted all the login credentials somewhere else. 

Now it’s time to safely delete the ClientRegistry.Blob file without affecting another file. Follow these steps to do so.

  • Shut down every current task of your computer using Task Manager.
  • Now, use the shortcut, Windows + “X”. A menu list will be open.
  • Select the “File Explorer” over there.
  • A new window will pop up. Now, click on the ‘Drive C’ folder.
  • There’ll be a folder with the name of “Program Files” (Or Program Files X86, for 64-bit PC). Click on it, and select the Steam folder over there.
  • Now, have a look at the file named, “ClientRegistry.Blob” and delete it permanently.

After following these steps you should open the Steam client and check whether the issue has been cleared or not. If yes, don’t forget to follow these last steps to ensure the utmost smooth launch.

Follow up to the 4th step mentioned previously and then search for the “Steamerrorreporter.exe” file. Click on it to relaunch the whole Steam properly and with a completely fresh start.

Safe-Mode Boot With Networking

The safe mode of the windows is one of the best ways to know where the actual problem is. When you enable safe mode, the most basic and non-hectic processes are only run by the OS. Here, if Steam is easily loaded under the safe mode, it would imply a single thing. The Steam Crashing issue is happening because of some third party system and not by any game or Steam itself.

Follow the steps mentioned below as directed. 

  • Use the shortcut key Windows + ‘R’ to access the Run program.
  • Type the ‘Misconfig’ over there.
  • Click on the “Boot” tab.
  • There’ll be an option named “Safe Boot” over there. Under the Safe Boot, there’ll be a box named “Network”.
  • Click OK on it, save the settings and Restart your PC.

Giving Administrative Access To the Steam

Oftentimes, the Widows apply too many regulations on the non-administrative access apps. As a result, these apps are unable to run smoothly. There’s a possibility that the same issue has occurred here as well.

Granting Administrative access to Steam will remove all the limitations from it. Here are the steps to do so properly.

  • Follow the same steps as above up to the fourth step. 
  • Look for the “Steam.Exe” launcher file for the Steam Client. Right-click on it, and choose the “Properties” option mentioned at the bottom.
  • Now, visit the “Compatibility” section. There’ll be an option “Run This Program As An Administrator”. Mark it and save the changes before closing it.
  • Now, you need to look for the file “GameOverlayUI.Exe” in The Same Directory. Visit its properties by right-clicking on it.
  • Again, follow step three and make similar changes.
  • Now, restart your PC and check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

Turn Off The Firewall

Now, this thing has a similar effect on Steam as what the above-mentioned reasons create. Also, antivirus and firewall restrictions are some of the common reasons behind the improper functioning of certain apps.

The reason behind this is simple. Besides protecting the computer with harmful viruses and malware, the antivirus constantly tries to reduce the CPU workload as well. It blocks most of the non-primary or excessive load demanding apps for doing so. There’s a possibility that the antivirus or firewall has blocklisted the Steam app as well.

No worries, you can easily whitelist it again by following a few simple steps.

  • Write “Windows Firewall” in your Windows search bar and click on it.
  • There’ll be an option to turn on/off the Windows Firewall in the left pane. Click on it.
  • Choose the “Turn Off Windows Firewall” option for both public and private networks. Exit from there after saving the changes.
  • Now, you need to launch the Steam app again. But don’t forget to run it as an administrator.

You might’ve got peace, this time.

The same thing goes to the Windows Defender or a third-party antivirus app. It’s because of them why you’re facing this issue. In such a case you need to exclude the file from the respective antivirus or the Windows defender.

For successfully remove the Steam file from the surveillance of the Windows Defender, follow the given steps.

  • Visit the “Windows Security” by searching the term in the Windows search bar.
  • Over there, click on the “App & Browser Control” in the left menu.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and search for “Exploit Protection Settings”.
  • Now click on Program settings.
  • Now you’ve customized the “Exact File Path”.
  • Locate the path to “C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam”.
  • And then select the Steam.Exe.

Thus, you’ve resolved every issue related to the anti-malware software.

Update Required Drivers

Here comes the most common reason why your Steam app is crashing again and again. The outdated drivers can’t bear the machine’s needs but they oftentimes create issues during the process.  

This is why having up to date drivers is the key to have a smooth computing experience. Make sure, you’re also on the same page. If you’ve also an outdated Windows version, updating it will also include the updating of drivers as well. However, you can also manually download the most recent version. 

To update the device’s drivers manually, follow these steps. 

  • Use the Shortcut “Windows Key” + “X”
  • You need to select the “Device Manager” from the list.
  • Over there, you’ll see various lists of drivers available on your PC. Look for the required driver() and expand it by tapping on it. Now, update the driver by right-clicking on it.
  • You’ll get a pop up with two options over there. Select the option “Search Automatically For Updated Driver Software”.
  • Now, restart your system to check whether the issue persists or not.

Reinstall Steam

Now, this one is the ultimate hack you’ll have to perform if everything has gone in vain so far. It gives you the surety of resolving the issue if its root cause would be present in the execution file. 

Here, the only thing you need to make sure is that you’ve taken a copy of the “SteamApps” folder in the secondary device. 

Now, it’s time to uninstall Steam, properly. Do follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Use the shortcut keys Windows + X. now select the “File Explorer” over there.
  • In the new window, click on the “C” Drive to access it.
  • You’ll need to look for the “Program Files” (Or Program Files X86, for 64-Bit). Select the Steam folder from the Program Files.
  • Now, you need to delete all the materials inside the folder. And at last, delete the folder as well.
  • Now, access the Run program by searching the term in the Windows search box. Or use the shortcut key Windows+R.
  • Write the term “Regedit” and press OK.
  • Now, you’ll be in the Registry Editor, have a look at the left pane options.
  • Follow the path, “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE > Valve” (32-Bit System). And, “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node >Valve” (64-Bit System).
  • Right-click on the “Valve” and go for the Delete option to the file permanently.
  • Now again follow the path, “HKEY_CURRENT_USER >Software >Valve >Steam”. Right-click on Steam and delete the file.


The above information will help you out to resolve the issue. And I’m sure, you’ll also get peace after following some of the above methods. The methods mentioned above are not specifically ordered. You can try them according to your will and simplicity factor.

But, is there any guarantee that these methods are enough to provide me with relieving gaming? Unfortunately, the answer is no. There are still some chances that the issue persists. If so, the only viable option would be to take help from a computer expert. You can also contact the technical support of the Steam games. 

However, before doing anything, make sure that the hardware configuration of your computer meets the needs of the Steam game.

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