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Is 72 Degrees Ideal For Your Air Conditioning System?

Modern life seems dependent on air conditioning, particularly in the sweltering summer. However, determining the right temperature for your air conditioning can be tricky. One typical recommendation is 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet is it comfortable enough to use air conditioning? The correct reply to this query depends on several variables, such as individual tastes, energy efficiency, and local climate.72 thermostat

This post will provide you with a deep insight into energy-saving factors and examine several temperature settings that might be more suitable for your requirements. The ultimate objective is to assist you in determining the ideal air conditioning setting that helps you stay cozy while helping conserve electricity.

What Setting on Your Thermostat Should You Use For Air Conditioning?

Your relaxation level, energy costs, and the durability of your HVAC unit can all be significantly impacted by the temperature you set on your air conditioning thermostat. The temperature you must set your air conditioner at relies on a number of variables, including the time of year, the environment where you are, and your tastes. You’ll receive in-depth knowledge on the ideal range of temperatures for both winter and summertime in this section:

1. Summer Season

You need to maintain a calm, pleasant house during the hot summer months. According to the US Department of Energy, the best setting for your AC thermostat over the warmer months is 78°F. But only specific individuals may find this temperature comfortable, and some might favor a cooler temperature for more comfort.

To find the ideal temperature that balances comfort and energy efficiency, consider raising the thermostat a few degrees if you feel too warm in this setting. Additionally, you can use a remote-controlled thermostat to change the temperature during the daytime. For example, you may set it to a warmer setting at night or when you’re away from home.

2. Winter Season

You’ll usually prefer your home to be warm and comfortable without consuming too much energy when the weather turns cool during the winter. The US Department of Energy further suggests you maintain your AC temperature at 68°F during this period of the year.

Even if you like a warmer temperature, it would be beneficial for you to set your AC temperature to 70°F or 72°F, which can still be economical while keeping a cozy atmosphere in your home. Changing the temperature all over the day using a controlled thermostat will help you conserve energy, just like in the summer.

What are the Factors to Save Energy?

Below are some factors you need to consider for saving energy at home:

1. Upgrade Your AC

You must upgrade your AC unit to save energy in your home. The AC models are generally less effective and consume more energy, which may, in turn, raise your electric bill. On the other hand, the latest air conditioner model is being designed using modern technology resulting in lesser energy consumption while providing you with the same cooling level.

  • Better electricity Efficiency: The latest air conditioners use less electricity than their older versions. The latest models come with features like variable-speed compressors and better insulation, which can help you with significant energy savings upon upgrading to a more efficient unit.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: You can lower maintenance expenses and improve overall reliability by upgrading to a new air conditioner. Over time, older AC systems may require more frequent and expensive maintenance and repairs. A new unit can ensure higher dependability while also requiring less maintenance.
  • Improved Home Worth: If you ever decide to sell your house, upgrading your AC system will raise its worth and make it more appealing to prospective purchasers.
  • More Comfort: Newer air conditioners come with enhanced amenities like adjustable-speed fans and better humidity management, which helps you feel more at ease while using less energy.
  • Government rebates: A number of government initiatives provide incentives and discounts for switching to an energy-efficient air conditioner, making this a financially viable choice for several households.

2. Plan Scheduled Upkeep

Your air conditioning unit must receive periodic upkeep to remain effective and dependable. Here are a few justifications for why a regular inspection schedule is essential for energy savings:

  • Longer Lifespan: Routine maintenance may prolong the service life of your cooling system and prevent expensive upgrades or repair costs by identifying and addressing possible issues early on.
  • Enhanced Air Circulation: Poor indoor airflow caused by dirty air filters or coils might cause allergies or pulmonary difficulties. Regular upkeep helps guarantee that your air conditioning system supplies your home with clean, hygienic air.
  • Lower expenses: Although arranging for routine service is an additional investment, doing so can result in long-term financial savings by lowering energy expenses, avoiding expensive failures, and prolonging the operational life of your air conditioner.
  • Warranty adherence: Most AC manufacturers’ warranties require routine maintenance. Regular maintenance can ensure that your air conditioner is still covered by warranty, shielding you from unforeseen repair expenditures.

3. Analyze the Insulation in the Attic

Inspecting the insulation grades within your attic is crucial to increasing your energy efficiency and lowering cooling expenses. Verifying the insulation around your attic is essential for the following factors:

  • Heat Transmission: During summer months, it’s possible for attics to get quite hot, which can lead to heat transfer into your living areas and make your air conditioner operate longer to keep your home at a reasonable temperature. Energy conservation can be increased, and heat transmission can be decreased with adequate insulation.
  • Temperature Control: Having adequate attic insulation will help you manage the temperature in your house by keeping warm air within the attic and cold air in your living areas, easing the strain on your air conditioning system.
  • Health-related Issues: Mold development and poor indoor atmosphere condition can result from inadequately insulated attics, leading to breathing difficulties and other health risks. Inspecting your insulation can ensure healthy living conditions for you and your loved ones

4. Sealing the House

Sealing the house is crucial for you to increase energy efficiency. It will further lower the expenses related to cooling. Here’s how:

  • Air Leakage: Leaking air causes difficulty for your AC unit. This way, it’s unable to keep a pleasant temperature in the home. Eliminating leaks helps cut down on energy waste plus cooling expenses.
  • Better Relaxation: Sealing your house will help eliminate warm and cold areas, guaranteeing your air conditioner cools every room and delivers consistent comfort.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Sealing your home can help cut down on energy waste and the release of greenhouse gasses linked to energy generation.
  • Expanded Lifetime: Air leaks can compel your air conditioning unit to function more diligently, which can shorten the system’s durability and add additional load. By lessening the strain on your AC unit, sealing your residence will make it last longer.
  • Expenditure reduction: Sealing your house can assist in cutting down on energy loss and cooling expenses, which will result in future price reductions.

5. Replace Your Air Filter Frequently

You need to replace your air filter frequently because the efficiency and lifespan of your AC system depend on it. You should change your air filter regularly for the following reasons:

  • Better air quality: Dust, debris, and other airborne particles can circulate in your home’s air due to a dirty or clogged air filter, lowering indoor air quality and aggravating allergies and respiratory conditions. You can safeguard your health and enhance the air quality by changing your air filter.
  • Prolonged Lifespan: A dirty air filtration may impose tremendous strain on your air conditioning unit, causing early premature breakdowns and shortening the system’s usefulness. Frequent air filter change helps your AC unit last longer and allow you to avoid costly maintenance and repairs.
  • Attention to Maintenance: Routine air filter replacement can remind you to perform other preventative maintenance procedures, including cleansing your AC coils or looking for coolant leaks.
  • Convenience: Changing your air filter on an ongoing basis may be rapid and straightforward, and most filters are reasonably priced and readily accessible. It’s a great way to maintain and ensure your air conditioning unit functions properly.

6. Get Your Ductwork Examined

The most important factor for saving energy is to examine your ductwork, thereby preserving the effectiveness of your cooling system and avoiding wasting energy. These are some justifications as to why this should be taken into account:

  • Increased Effectiveness: Dust, grime, and other debris can accumulate in your ductwork over time, decreasing airflow and making your air conditioning unit work extra to maintain the proper temperature. Higher energy use and higher cooling costs may result from this. An expert ductwork inspection can help you find and fix any obstructions or problems that might be lowering the effectiveness of your AC system.
  • Timely Problem Detection: A qualified ductwork inspection can assist you in finding any ducting damage or leaks that might be wasting energy or lowering efficiency. Prompt discovery of such issues can help avoid more serious concerns like pricey repairs or upgrades.
  • Cost Savings: Getting your ductwork examined by a professional can result in considerable long-term cost savings by increasing the effectiveness of your AC unit and minimizing energy waste. You can be qualified for energy-saving rebates or incentives for renovating your ducting.

Is It Appropriate to Set the Air Conditioner at 72 Degrees?

There are several optimum air conditioning temperatures according to many variables, including the climate where you reside and your energy efficiency objectives. When deciding whether 72 degrees Fahrenheit is a suitable setting for your air conditioning, keep the following things in mind:

  • Comfort Level: Most individuals regard 72 degrees Fahrenheit as an appropriate temperature, creating a pleasant and refreshing atmosphere indoors. Yet, some people might favor slightly colder or warmer temperatures based on their tastes.
  • Energy Conservation: During the summer, when cooling expenses can soar, setting your air conditioner at 72 degrees Fahrenheit can offer a decent compromise between pleasure and energy savings. You can cut your energy use and monthly electric bills by raising your temperature to 72 degrees or above.
  • Climate: According to the climate where you live, there are different appropriate air conditioning temperatures. Adjusting your air conditioner to 72 degrees or somewhat higher could be essential to keep a pleasant indoor temperature across hotter locations, like the southern United States. You can increase the temperature of your air conditioning without compromising relaxation in colder locations.
  • Insulation in residence: How well your home is insulated is also influenced by the appropriate temperature for your air conditioner. You can raise the temperature on your thermostat while maintaining comfort if your house is well-insulated. To preserve a suitable indoor climate, you may have to reduce the air conditioner temperature when your residence is inadequately insulated.

The ideal setting for air conditioners ultimately depends on a number of various variables. If you need clarification about what temperature to set your thermostat, consider speaking with an HVAC expert. He/she can advise you on the most suitable settings for your house and way of life.

What Temperature Should the Interior be Kept at to Keep the Humidity in the House at the Proper Levels?

Your residence’s humidity levels must be kept at the correct levels to ensure relaxation and general wellness. Based on the climate where you reside and your installed HVAC setup, there are several ideal temperatures for controlling humidity. You must take into account the following pointers when choosing the appropriate temperature to maintain humidity management in your home:

1. Acknowledging the Value of Humidity Control

Indoor air comfort and quality conditions can be affected by humidity. Low humidity may trigger dry skin conditions, difficulty breathing, and distress. Moreover, high humidity can cause mold development, poor interior air quality, and unpleasant sensations.

2. Desirable Humidity Levels

A 30% and 50% humidity is desirable for indoor settings. You may have to change the temperature setting on your thermostat to retain these settings.

3. Increasing Humidity

To raise the humidity levels in your home, you may need to raise the thermostat’s setting if you reside in a dry location or are going through dry air during the colder months. Dry skin, difficulty breathing, and discomfort from low humidity might all be lessened.

4. Employing a Humidifier or Dehumidifier

If you’re having trouble keeping the humidity in your residence at the correct levels, consider utilizing a humidifier or dehumidifier. These gadgets can support the air conditioning system and assist in maintaining optimum humidity levels.

5. Employing a Hygrometer

Consider utilizing a hygrometer to track the humidity levels in your home precisely. This tool detects the humidity in the atmosphere. It may assist you in deciding if you should reduce the temperature on your thermostat.

It will also let you know if you can utilize a humidifier or dehumidifier. You can improve your house’s general relaxation and internal air quality by keeping an eye on humidity levels.

6. Reducing Humidity

If you reside in a humid area, you may need to reduce the temperature on your thermostat. This is important to minimize the humidity levels in your home. This is because as they cool the air, air conditioning units automatically dehydrate it. In most residences, managing humidity levels requires a temperature variation between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Ideal temperature to maintain humidity management in your dwelling depends on a number of various factors.

What is the Ideal Range of an Air Conditioner’s Cooling Capacity?

The purpose of an AC Unit is to reduce the air temperature in your residence to a comfortable level. You may find it difficult to understand the cooling capacity range while choosing an air conditioner for your home. For this reason, you must go through these factors:

  • Room size: The size of your room being cooled is essential, as the amount of air that can be cooled depends on it. Bigger or more potent units could be needed to efficiently chill the air to the appropriate temperature in larger rooms.
  • Insulation and sealing: The ability of your air conditioner to cool the air is additionally affected by the appropriate insulation and caulking of your home. Leaks or inadequate insulation might cause air to escape. This makes it more difficult for the device to sustain the proper temperature. If you want to increase the efficiency and efficacy of your air conditioner, think about installing insulation or plugging any leaks.
  • Room Orientation: The quantity of sunshine a room receives and the direction it faces affect how much cooling power is needed from an air conditioner.
  • Outdoor temperatures: The ambient temperature can impact an air conditioner’s capacity to chill the air, and the appliance could have trouble reaching the desired temperature in scorching weather.
  • Maintenance: An air conditioner’s performance can be enhanced, and its ability to properly cool the air increases with proper maintenance, including routine filter changes and cleaning.

For your air conditioner to efficiently chill the air inside your house to a comfortable temperature, selecting its suitable capacity while maintaining it is crucial.


Are there more energy-efficient settings than 72°F?

The Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 78°F when you’re home for a good balance of comfort and efficiency. You can raise it even higher at night or when you’re away.

What factors besides temperature affect my AC’s efficiency?

Regular maintenance, proper airflow, and sealing air leaks can significantly improve your AC’s efficiency.

How can I find the perfect temperature for my AC?

Start with 72°F and adjust based on your comfort level. Consider using a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures when you’re away or sleeping.

Is 72°F too cold for my AC unit?

While not necessarily harmful, keeping your AC at 72°F for extended periods can put extra strain on the system. It’s generally recommended not to set it more than 20 degrees below the outdoor temperature.

Will setting my AC to 72°F damage my home?

No, setting it to 72°F shouldn’t damage your home. However, if the cool air creates excessive condensation, it could lead to mold growth. Monitor for moisture buildup, especially in humid climates.


You may have a comfortable and cool home atmosphere by following these suggestions regardless of how hot or muggy it gets outdoors. Why wait, then? Take the necessary steps immediately to maximize your air conditioner so you may live comfortably cool all year round!

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