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How To Make A Public Profile On Snapchat?

Are you looking to boost your presence on Snapchat? Creating a public profile is the key to expanding your reach and connecting with a wider audience! connect with more friends and fans, and even discover exciting collaborations. It’s an incredible opportunity to express your true self, showcase your talents, and establish meaningful connections. By making your profile public, you open the door to endless possibilities and meaningful connections on Snapchat. So, get ready to unlock new horizons make your unique personality, captivate your audience, and make a lasting impact through your public profile on Snapchat!

Criteria To Fulfill To Be Eligible For Snapchat Public Profile

You have to fulfill the following criteria:

  • The user should be 18 or above years of age.
  • The user’s Snapchat account should have been created at least 24 hours ago.
  • The user should have at least one friend who has added the user as a friend as well.
  • The user and the account must have and should follow Snapchat community guidelines.
  • The must have a personal account, not a business account.
  • The user set your account privacy to “Public.”

How To Create Snapchat Public Profile On Your Smartphone?

If you are using an Android or iPhone, the steps to create Snapchat public profile are the same for all users. Here are the steps to follow.

Step 1: Open Snapchat app and tap on your Bitmoji located at the top-left corner.

Snapchat appStep 2: You must be on the Profile page where you need to scroll down and go to Public Profiles section.

Step 3: Tap on Create Public Profile option. This will open Create public Profile page.

Create Public ProfileStep 4: Tap on Continue button located at the bottom of the screen followed by Get Started button.

Step 5: Follow the on-screen instructions and tap on Create button. Now you have successfully created your public profile on Snapchat.

Create buttonYou will automatically be redirected to Profile page and you can tap on My Public Profile to check it out.

How To Create Snapchat Public Profile For Business?

Businesses can influence Snapchat by creating public profiles to effectively promote their brand and connect with their target audience. By having a public profile, businesses can instantly engage with their customers and provide valuable content tailored to their interests. This enables businesses to establish a stronger presence and build meaningful relationships with their audience.

A public profile for a business on Snapchat allows users to access saved Stories and discover published Lenses, offering a more immersive and interactive experience. Additionally, businesses can include Shopify links within their public profiles, making it convenient for users to make purchases directly through the platform.

To create a public profile for a business, it is necessary to have a business account already created through Snapchat Ads. Only organization administrators have the eligibility to set up public profiles for businesses. By following the appropriate steps, businesses can tap into the potential of Snapchat and utilize public profiles to enhance their brand visibility, engage with customers, and drive conversions.

Step 1: Log into your Snapchat Ads Manager platform.

Snapchat Ads Manager platformStep 2: Click on Menu icon and select the Public Profiles option.

Step 3: You will be asked to link your existing business account (or) create a new business account. If you already have one, tap on Connect To Business option.

Public Profiles optionStep 4: Prepare your Snapchat public profile by entering brand name, brand icon, address, contact details and other information under Profile Details page.

Snapchat public profileStep 5: Finally, click on Create Public Profile button. Your Snapchat public profile for business should be public instantly.

How To Edit Snapchat Public Profile On Smartphone?

Creating a public profile for yourself on Snapchat is just the beginning. You should get your profile picture edited instantly after creating it so that whoever lands on your content and profile, they should be impressed. Here are the steps to edit your Snapchat public profile.

Step 1: Open Snapchat app and tap on your Bitmoji icon.

Bitmoji iconStep 2: On Profile page, go to Public Profile section and tap on My Public Profile option.

Step 3: Thereafter, tap on Edit Profile button.  Public Profile sectionNow, you can add your profile photo, write a bio to introduce yourself, and add any valuable and attractive information as per your preference.

Step 4: Go to Stories tab and save your past Stories to your profile so that the audience can see them. You can add photos and videos from camera access to populate your profile.

Stories tab

Why Should You Use A Snapchat Public Profile?

The primary advantage of using a public Snapchat profile is the exposure it provides. With a regular profile, your reach is limited to your friends, but a public profile allows your content to be seen by everyone. When people discover and appreciate your content, they can easily become your followers, helping you grow your follower count and increase views and engagement on your posts.

Having a public profile on Snapchat also unlocks new features. Instead of adding you as a friend, users can simply start following your profile if they enjoy your content. As your subscriber count grows, you can proudly display it on your profile, impressing others and potentially attracting more subscribers.

While you can still post stories exclusively for your friends on a private profile, a public profile allows your subscribers to access your previous content directly from your profile. You can also personalize your public profile by adding a profile picture, a brief bio, approximate location, lenses, and saved stories, making it more engaging and appealing to your audience.

Using a Snapchat public profile offers numerous benefits and reasons to consider:

1. Expand Your Reach: A public profile allows you to reach a larger audience on Snapchat, increasing your visibility and exposure. It helps you connect with more users, attract new followers, and expand your network.

2. Build a Personal Brand: With a public profile, you can establish and promote your personal brand on Snapchat. It enables you to showcase your unique personality, talents, and interests, creating a distinct online presence.

3. Engage with Followers: Having a public profile fosters engagement with your followers. It encourages interactions, feedback, and conversations, allowing you to build relationships and strengthen connections with your audience.

4. Discoverability: A public profile makes it easier for others to discover you on Snapchat. It increases the likelihood of being found by potential collaborators, brands, or like-minded individuals who share similar interests.

5. Opportunities for Collaboration: By using a public profile, you can unlock collaboration opportunities with other Snapchat users. It opens doors for partnerships, joint projects, and cross-promotions, expanding your reach and potential collaborations.

6. Showcasing Content: A public profile provides a platform to share your content with a broader audience. Whether it’s photos, videos, or stories, you can captivate and entertain your followers with your creative endeavors.

Also Check:


1. Can I switch back to a private profile after creating a public one?

Yes, you can adjust your privacy settings at any time and switch back to a private profile.

2. What types of content perform best on Snapchat?

Authentic and relatable content, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, daily routines, and creative storytelling, tends to perform well.

3. Can I customize who sees specific snaps or stories?

Absolutely! Snapchat’s privacy settings allow you to customize your audience for each snap or story you post.

4. Is there an age restriction for creating a public profile?

Yes, users must be at least 13 years old to create a Snapchat account, whether public or private.

5. How often should I post on my public profile?

Consistency is key. Aim for posting the stories regularly or stay actively on Snapchat’s public profile.


Crafting a public profile on Snapchat opens the door to sharing your captivating stories and forging connections with a wider audience. By following the simple yet effective steps presented in this guide, you’ll be able to establish an enticing public profile that truly represents your unique personality, drawing in individuals who share your interests and passions. It’s essential to keep a close eye on your privacy settings, engage with fellow Snapchat users, and actively promote your profile to expand your following. Embrace the countless opportunities presented by Snapchat’s public profiles, and revel in the exhilarating experience of connecting with a diverse and vibrant community of users.

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