What is Active Noise Cancellation and How Does it Work?

Noise can be distracting and even frustrating when you are engrossed in your work. However, thanks to the ANC technology which helps you to stay focused on your work while enjoying your favourite tracks simultaneously. These days Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) technology is incorporated into most music gadgets to eliminate the background noises that interfere with your concentration. Due to its stand-out features many headphone manufacturing companies are releasing several models with ANC every year.  

So, are you excited to know more interesting things about ANC? Anyways, knowing more about this advanced technology can help you out while purchasing a new set of headphones (or) earphones. In this article, we have covered all the important aspects of ANC technology including its advantages, drawbacks, working process, and types. Explore the article to learn more about ANC.  

What is Active Noise Cancellation?

ANCActive Noise Cancellation (ANC) is an advanced technology that is incorporated into headphones and earbuds to block the background sounds (or) noises. This is an effective method to eliminate ambient sounds by using a set of hardware and software components within the music gadgets (or) devices. 

Besides, Active Noise Cancellation devices combine both isolation and cancellation to produce an average noise reduction of 30 dB. Moreover, ANC is efficient at canceling out persistent noises such as a running car engine, a huge air conditioner, and power equipment.

How Does Active Noise Cancellation Work?

The working principle of ANC technology is based on the “Phase Cancellation Effect”. Primarily, noise cancellation technology generates a sound wave that is 180 degrees out of phase with the gathered incoming sound wave. The process of generation of these anti-noise waves is called “Destructive Interference”. 

Essentially, the concept seems to be very simple but it’s tricky. Let’s understand how the background sounds (or) noises are nullified.  

  • If you consider two in-phase sound waves with equal peaks and troughs and sum them up, the resulting sound wave will be even louder.
  • Similarly, if you consider two out-of-phase sound waves, they subtract each other as the positive pressure of one wave is acting against the negative pressure of another wave. 
  • Finally, you are left with zero. The same technique is used in ANC technology to cancel out the background noises before reaching your ears.  

Primarily, let’s know the components of the ANC system to understand its working process.

Basic Elements of Active Noise Cancellation System

  • ANC systems use at least one microphone to monitor and sample the ambient sounds. They capture the incoming noise waves and send it to the processors.
  • Now, the electrical circuit within the headphones (or) earphones produces an “anti-noise” wave that is out of phase with the incoming noise wave. 
  • As a result of the phase inversion process, an inverted sound wave is produced. Finally, as the two waves are out of phase with each other, they are negated, resulting in zero noise.
  • Clear audio with no distortions is now sent to your ears via the speakers. 
  • This is how ANC systems work to filter out extraneous noises in your environment. 

Active noise cancellation works best with low-frequency noises, but it also works with mid-range and high-frequency sounds, albeit with a more restricted muting effect. Although ANC systems are precisely adjusted, they cannot achieve 100% cancellation, often delivering a reduction of 20-40 dB, significantly decreasing the listener’s exposure to background noise.

Types of Active Noise Cancellation Systems

Generally, ANC systems are classified into four types namely feedback, feedforward, hybrid, and adaptive. 

Feedback ANC System This ANC system is housed with a microphone inside the ear cup. It allows the headphones to hear and adapt the noise canceling accordingly. However, it doesn’t work as well for canceling sounds in the 1-2 kHz range.
Feedforward ANC System In this model, a microphone is installed on the outer side of the ear cup. It can pick up external noises quickly and produce anti-noise to counteract the incoming sound wave. 
Hybrid ANC System This ANC system combines feedback and feedforward ANC techniques. Hybrid versions employ two microphones, one on the outside of the ear cup and the other in front of the speaker, to detect external noises and produce an anti-noise wave to cancel them out.
Adaptive ANC System The hardware configuration for adaptive ANC is identical to that of hybrid ANC. However, it has a software processor that automatically adjusts the degree of noise cancellation based on your surroundings. 
Adjustable ANC System In this ANC system, the users have the liberty to adjust the noise cancellation levels manually according to their preferences. It gives you freedom and control over how much background noise you let in.
Environmental ANC System This feature allows listeners to tune back into the sounds of their surroundings without interrupting their music or removing their headphones easily. Additionally, it provides a seamless transition between isolation and awareness. 
Adjustable Environmental ANC System Through this option, you can control how much of the outside world you wish to take in without switching off your music. 

Active Noise Cancellation Modes in Headphones

Typically, four modes come with ANC headphones which are listed below.

ANC Off In this mode, you rely completely on noise isolation from the headphones. No anti-noise waves are generated to block the external sounds.
Transparency Mode In this mode, the microphones are activated to transmit background noises to your ears. Therefore, you can be listening to other noises outside your headphones as if you weren’t wearing anything.
Self Voice In this mode, you can listen to your voice, similar to how mic monitoring works in recording studios and video games. The microphone transmits the input to the headphones to evaluate the tone of your voice while you are on the phone. 
Adjustability Levels In this mode, you can change the intensity of the noise control levels, which might be annoying sometimes. 

Travelling With ANC Headphones and Earphones

Travelling with ANC headphones and earphones can undoubtedly improve your listening experience. Wearing them on your daily commute, long trips (or) short journeys delivers a wonderful listening experience by eliminating all the ambient sounds in your surroundings. They are very good at blocking out low-frequency sounds along with mid and high-level frequencies as well. Moreover, this technology efficiently blocks automobile engine sounds and electrical tool sounds (or) power machinery sounds. 

Benefits and Limitations of ANC

Advantages Drawbacks
Reduces the noises around you and helps you concentrate more on your work The gadgets with ANC technology are pretty expensive when compared to others
Delivers an amazing listening experience even in the crowded places ANC devices consume more power resulting in the short battery life
Phone conversations can be made even better with ANC as it blocks out unwanted sounds Sometimes ANC affects the sound reproduction quality
Keeps you safe from hearing problems, ear infections, and sleeping disorders Active noise reduction is not consistent all the time and mostly it varies from model to model

Active Noise Cancellation -FAQs

1. What is the difference between active noise cancellation and passive noise cancellation?

Ans: Active Noise Cancellation: Usually, ANC technology generates an anti-noise wave to eliminate the incoming sound waves
Passive Noise Cancellation: Passive noise cancellation technology completely relies on physical barriers like earcups, ear tips, etc to block the external sounds

2. Do ANC headphones cause hearing loss?

Ans: Yes, of course, wearing these headphones for a longer duration can cause ear pain which might lead to hearing loss in some people. 

3. How does active noise cancellation affect audio quality?

Ans: Not exactly, but ANC can slightly impact audio quality by introducing glitches (or) changing the soundstage. However, advancements in technology have minimized these effects.

4. Can active noise cancellation be used in any environment?

Ans: Undoubtedly, ANCs can be used in various environments including airplanes, trains, offices, and busy streets. They are effective in lowering background noise based on the specific frequencies and characteristics of the ambient noise.

5. Is ANC bad for your ears?

Ans: Active noise cancellation is not harmful to your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones that have been expertly built have no issues with the processing or constancy of active noise reduction.

6. Can I use active noise cancellation during phone calls?

Ans: Yes, you can use ANC during phone calls. Many ANC headphones and earbuds have built-in microphones that operate in combination with noise cancellation to allow clearer speech while communicating.

7. Can active noise cancellation eliminate all external sounds?

Ans: Genuinely, active noise cancellation cannot eliminate all external noises. It is good in reducing low-frequency disturbances; but it is less effective against unexpected, high-pitched sounds (or) voices.

8. Is sleeping with active noise-canceling headphones bad?

Ans: Wearing your earbuds overnight is not safe and unhygienic because of the build-up of earwax and bacteria that can lead to ear infections causing the eardrum to swell.

Final Thoughts

Wrapping up, Active noise cancellation is a wonderful technology for sure with its advantages and disadvantages. The devices with ANC are exceptional at eliminating unwanted sounds before reaching into your ears. Moreover, different types of ANCs can be used for various purposes. Most people prefer to use hybrid ANC models as they are efficient at eliminating both low and high frequencies. No doubt it is a fact that ANCs consume more power and the gadgets are quite bulky. But the batteries can be charged regularly and even turning on the ANC off mode can help you to save power. Anyways, we recommend you try on various models and check their specifications before purchasing the. 

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