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XLOOKUP vs VLOOKUP – What’s the Difference?

Excel Sheets are good for handling a complex and huge set of data. It offers calculations, creates graphs, and many more features even for a larger data batch. Hence, Sheets have become crucial links in handling data from and to the database centers and many other official work. To make it more efficient, functions like VLOOKUP and later, XLOOKUP were introduced.

VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP are used to find a value, perform calculations, and return the results in a required format or destination. Initially, VLOOKUP was introduced to Microsoft Excel Sheets with a limited set of commands which were increased in the later versions. As VLOOKUP was limited to column-related values, XLOOKUP was introduced with both column and row-related applications.

To work on Excel Sheets, it is important to understand the difference between VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP. This article explains the difference between these two functions and their syntax, along with their pros and cons.


To put it in simple words, the “lookup” word in these two functions pretty much reveals their use. Both functions help in looking for a value within a list or table and returning it. This comes in handy when the user is dealing with larger spreadsheets, containing a huge amount of data. We have explained both functions below:


VLOOKUP is one of the initial functions launched with the Excel Sheets and has been popularly used for several years now. The V letter itself tells us that this function was made especially for data in columns. With this function, the user can search for a value in a column and get a result from another column and its row. The steps involved in searching this data are minimal, which saves time at the user level. You can enter the following syntax in the Formula Bar of an Excel sheet to retrieve the desired results from the spreadsheet.


=VLOOKUP[lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, (range_lookup)]

Meaning of Inputs in the VLOOKUP Syntax:

  • Lookup Value: This value refers to the one you are searching for
  • Table Array: Here, you have to enter the range within which the value will be reached
  • Col Index Num: You have to enter the column number within the specified range, form where the value must be returned
  • Range lookup: This is an optional input where true or false conditions can be set. For Ture conditions, the return value will be an approximate match (even if the desired value is not found, a closer match will be returned). Similarly, in the False condition, the returned value needs to be an exact match, or else an error will be displayed.


XLOOKUP was developed to address the limitations of the VLOOKUP function. Since VLOOKUP was effective only for column-related applications, XLOOKUP fixed this problem. It is used to fetch lookup values for both columns and rows of a spreadsheet. It is so powerful that users can retrieve data even through complex lookups. The XLOOKUP function was added to the recent version of Excel Sheet (2019) and became an instant success. It has a slightly different syntax compared to the VLOOKUP function.


=XLOOKUP[lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, (if_not_found), (match_mode), (search_mode)]

Meaning Of Inputs In The XLOOKUP Syntax:

  • Lookup Value: It is the value you want to search
  • Lookup Array: It determines the range of your search to find the matching value
  • Return Array: It determines the range of your search, from where the value must be returned
  • If Not Found: It is an optional input, used to get a customized text (when the value is not found). If you have to add this input, the return text will be “#N/A”
  • Match Mode: This input is used to change the search mode from the 1st item, last item, etc.

Comparison Between VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP Functions

Both VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP can be used together but some differences make them special. Even after having a gap of several years, sometimes VLOOKUP beats XLOOKUP in certain factors. But we also know that XLOOKUP is made by studying the limitations of VLOOKUP. Hence it can also beat VLOOKUP in certain departments. We will take a look at some crucial differences between both functions.

1. How Lookup Value is Positioned

In VLOOKUP, the lookup value is needed to be on the leftmost column of the spreadsheet or table. For XLOOKUP, there is no restriction on the column’s position. As a result, XLOOKUP offers more flexibility in searching for a value in both the left and right columns.

Column B Column C
Profit Item
300$ Smartphones
200$ Tablets
100$ Smart Watches
50$ Wireless Headphones
20$ Chargers

If we want to find out the profit for Tablets (an item under column C), the VLOOKUP will give an error. This happens as the VLOOKUP function will not look for the Profit Column (column B) as the Item column (column C) is present on the right. However, the XLOOKUP function will return the value of Profit from Tablets as it can look in both left and right columns.

2. Horizontal and Vertical Search

We are already aware that VLOOKUP is used to perform a vertical search for data. With XLOOKUP, users can perform both horizontal and vertical search for data. Hence, where VLOOKUP is suitable for only columns, XLOOKUP is ideal for both rows and columns.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Product ID 0111 0112 0113 0114
Product Name Sugar Rice Wheat Salt
Date of dispatch 1/01/2023 2/12/2023 1/15/2023 1/20/2023

If you want to get the Product Name for the Product ID 0114, VLOOKUP will display an error. The error is caused by VLOOKUP searching the 0114 value in the A column and failing to return the Product Name. However, XLOOKUP will retrieve the correct Product Name “Salt”, associated with the 0114 Product ID. This happens as XLOOKUP will search for the value in both rows and columns.

3. Searching Data From Bottom to Top

When you search for a value with the VLOOKUP function, it starts the search from the top of the selected range. For XLOOKUP, you can set whether you want to start the search from the top or bottom of the specified range.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Service ID Vehicle Type Model Date of Service
0100 Truck J150 1/22/2022
0101 SUV Roxan 1/25/2022
0102 Hatchback Chippo 1/27/2022
0103 MUV Blazer 1/29/2022
0104 Sedan Lambrezza 1/29/2022
0105 Coupe RacerT 1/30/2022
0106 SUV RubiTek 2/02/2022
0107 Sedan X70 2/03/2022

For example, you want to know the Date of Service for the most recent SUV Vehicle. If VLOOKUP is used to fetch the detail, it will show you the Data for SUV serviced on 1/25/2022. However, it is not the latest SUV serviced at the center. By using XLOOKUP, you will change the search mode to the “last to first” setting. Hence, the function will retrieve the value of the latest SUV serviced at the center (on 2/02/2022).

4. Text Customization for Retrieved Data

When you fetch a value and the VLOOKUP function fails to retrieve it, it will show the “#N/A” error. Sometimes this text can confuse the user end due to being less informative. With XLOOKUP, you get to add a customized text that will be displayed when a value is not found.

Service ID Vehicle Type Model Date of Service
0100 Truck J150 1/22/2022
0101 SUV Roxan 1/25/2022
0102 Hatchback Chippo 1/27/2022
0103 MUV Blazer 1/29/2022
0104 Sedan Lambrezza 1/29/2022
0105 Coupe RacerT 1/30/2022
0106 SUV RubiTek 2/02/2022
0107 Sedan X70 2/03/2022

For this data, if we try to search for a Service ID 0110, the VLOOKUP function will return the “#N/A” error. With XLOOKUP, we can add a custom text like “Result Not Found” with the syntax. If the value is not found, the “Result Not Found” text will be displayed.

5. Change the Search Mode

The search mode is not available for the VLOOKUP function but was introduced to the XLOOKUP function. The objective of the search mode was to specify the path for the search process.  XLOOKUP has a total of 4 search modes:

1: The search process will start from the first item of the table.

-1: The search process will start from the last item of the table.

2: The search process within the specified range will start from ascending order

-2: The search process within the specified range will start from descending order

Pros and Cons of VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP

Pros of VLOOKUP:

  • VLOOKUP offers retrieval of data with a very small number of steps or inputs
  • Being the oldest function of Excel Sheet, it is available in almost every system making it an industrial standard
  • Users have been using VLOOKUP for a long time and hence it is a more comfortable function for them
  • The syntax for VLOOKUP is simple and needs a small input

Cons of VLOOKUP:

  • It can only fetch vertical data which limits the search process
  • The lookup value is searched only in the first column (leftmost), by default. As a result, complications arise when data from the right columns is needed
  • It cannot search from the bottom of a table

Pros of XLOOKUP:

  • Finding the exact match of the entered value is easier on XLOOKUP
  • It can search data in both the left as well as right columns of the table
  • It is capable of searching data from the bottom of the table
  • XLOOKUP not only offers search in the columns but also in the rows
  • It comes with Search Modes which helps in adding criteria to the search

Cons of XLOOKUP:

  • It is a new function and hence not available to users using older versions of Excel Sheets
  • The XLOOKUP formula is not backward compatible. Hence a file with this formula will load on the older version of Excel but the user won’t be able to edit the XLOOKUP formula
  • Being a new function, users might find it difficult to adjust to the syntax of XLOOKUP

XLOOKUP or VLOOKUP, Which Is Better?

It will depend on what type of data structure you are dealing with, to use XLOOKUP or VLOOKUP. If you are editing a file that contains XLOOKUP, you should use XLOOKUP to keep the continuity. VLOOKUP is an older function of various users. However, it doesn’t restrict you from upgrading to the better XLOOKUP function. You can use both these functions to streamline your workflow. Taking the flexibility of XLOOKUP and the user-friendliness of VLOOKUP, you can easily manage the data of Excel Sheets. For more advanced data lookup and retrieval methods, you might also consider learning about Index And Match Formula in Excel.


1. How does XLOOKUP differ from VLOOKUP?

Ans: Speaking of the major difference, XLOOKUP is more powerful than VLOOKUP. It can handle very complex inputs to locate a specific value from the table. Being a new function, it addresses every limitation of the VLOOKUP function. With search mode, match mode, and other customized features, XLOOKUP feels superior to VLOOKUP.

2. When to choose the XLOOKUP function over the VLOOKUP function?

Ans: To choose XLOOKUP over VLOOKUP, you must identify the pros of XLOOKUP. Being a new technology, it will surely offer better performance related to VLOOKUP. Learning and using the new function will eventually make you habitual to it. In this process, you can also try to combine both functions to enjoy their combined advantages.

3. Is it possible to convert the VLOOKUP formulas into XLOOKUP?

Ans: One of the plus points of the XLOOKUP function is that it allows you to convert VLOOKUP formulas. The process is simple and does not consume the user’s time. Doing so allows you to easily adapt XLOOKUP as an alternative to the VLOOKUP function. This also helps in handling tasks at better speed and efficiency.

4. Will XLOOKUP entirely replace VLOOKUP?

Ans: XLOOKUP is developed as an alternative to the VLOOKUP function. However, the adaptation of this function will still take time as users are habitual of the older VLOOKUP function. Similarly, some users use both functions to optimize the data retrieval process for a table. This helps in keeping the VLOOKUP alive while XLOOKUP is being adapted.


Thanks to the VLOOKUP function, handling data in Excel sheets has become easy for several years. The new XLOOKUP function follows the same steps as VLOOKUP and aims at making data management efficient. Since both functions have their advantages, users find it difficult to adopt XLOOKUP or leave VLOOKUP. In this article, we tried to explain the difference between these functions along with relevant examples. We have also discussed the pros and cons of both functions which helps you decide which is the ideal function for you. Use this information to quickly fetch any data from the Excel Sheet and simplify your workflow.

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