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What Is Brake Checking – Why Do People Do It?

Have you ever found yourself cruising along, only to have someone slam on their brakes for no apparent reason? Welcome to the mysterious world of brake checking. In this article, we’re diving into the curious phenomenon of brake checking and trying to unravel the age-old question – why on earth do people do it? Whether you’ve been a victim or maybe (just maybe) you’ve been the one tapping those brakes, we’re here to shed some light on this not-so-friendly driving maneuver. So, buckle up and join us as we navigate the ins and outs of brake checking – the puzzling behavior that keeps us all guessing on the open road.

What Is Brake Checking?

Brake CheckingBrake checking is a driving maneuver where a motorist abruptly applies their brakes, often without any valid reason, in an attempt to force the vehicle behind them to slow down or increase the following distance. This behavior typically occurs during moments of frustration, aggression, or road rage between drivers. Brake checking can be dangerous, as it can lead to rear-end collisions, compromising the safety of everyone on the road. The motivations behind brake checking vary, ranging from expressing frustration with tailgaters to attempting to assert dominance on the road. Regardless of the reasons, this maneuver is widely discouraged, as it contributes to an already stressful driving environment and poses significant risks to overall road safety.

Why Do People Brake Check?

People engage in brake checking for a variety of reasons, often fueled by emotions and frustration on the road. One common motivation is a response to tailgating, where a driver feels that the vehicle behind is following too closely. In such cases, the brake checker may use this maneuver as a form of retaliation or to send a message to the tailgater to increase their following distance. Another reason is a manifestation of general frustration or anger towards perceived aggressive driving behaviors. Drivers may employ brake checking to express their dissatisfaction with the behavior of others on the road, using it as a means of asserting control or seeking a form of retribution.

Some individuals also resort to brake checking as a defensive tactic, believing it can prevent potential collisions by ensuring the vehicle behind maintains a safer distance. However, this approach is controversial, as it can escalate tensions and lead to further road rage incidents. Overall, the motivations behind brake checking are complex and often tied to emotions, highlighting the need for promoting safer and more cooperative driving habits to mitigate such behaviors on our roads.

What To Do If You Are Being Brake Checked?

Encountering a brake checker on the road can be a stressful and potentially dangerous situation. Here are some steps to take if you find yourself being brake checked:

1. Remain Calm: Stay calm and avoid reacting impulsively. Responding with aggression or frustration can escalate the situation further.

2. Increase Following Distance: If you’re able to do so safely, increase the distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This can provide you with more reaction time in case the brake checker continues their behavior.

3. Avoid Eye Contact: Refrain from making eye contact or engaging in gestures with the other driver. Eye contact can be perceived as confrontational and may exacerbate the situation.

4. Do Not Tailgate: Resist the urge to retaliate by tailgating the brake checker. This can contribute to a dangerous cycle of aggressive driving behavior.

5. Maintain a Safe Speed: Keep a steady and safe speed, and avoid the temptation to match the erratic speed changes of the brake checker. Consistent and predictable driving can help defuse tension.

6. Report the Incident: If the brake checking persists and you feel threatened, consider reporting the incident to the local authorities. Note the license plate number, make/model of the vehicle, and any relevant details.

7. Pull Over Safely: If the brake checker continues to pose a risk, find a safe location to pull over and allow them to pass. Avoid stopping abruptly on the road, as this can create additional hazards.

8. Use Hazard Lights: If you decide to pull over, use your hazard lights to indicate your intention to stop. This can alert other drivers to the unusual situation.

9. Stay Inside Your Vehicle: If the brake checker becomes confrontational, remain inside your vehicle with the doors locked. Avoid direct communication and wait for the situation to de-escalate or for assistance to arrive.

Remember, the key is to prioritize safety and diffuse tension on the road. Responding calmly and responsibly can help mitigate the risks associated with brake checking incidents.

Brake Checking – FAQs

1. Is Brake Checking Illegal?

Ans: While brake checking itself may not be explicitly illegal, it can lead to dangerous driving situations and is generally discouraged. However, abrupt and unnecessary braking, if deemed intentional and resulting in a collision, may be subject to legal consequences as it can be considered reckless driving or even a form of road rage, depending on jurisdiction. Always prioritize safe and cooperative driving practices to avoid potential legal complications.

2. Should You Report It To The Police?

Ans: If you feel threatened or unsafe due to brake checking, it’s advisable to report the incident to the police. Note relevant details such as the license plate, vehicle description, and location. Authorities can assess the situation and take appropriate action to ensure road safety.

3. If someone brake checks you, who is at fault?

Ans: Determining fault in a brake checking incident can be complex and depends on the specific circumstances. However, abrupt and unnecessary braking, if intentional, may be viewed as reckless behavior. In a collision resulting from brake checking, the person initiating the maneuver may bear responsibility, but fault assessment can vary based on factors like following distance and overall driving conduct. It’s recommended to document details and seek legal advice if needed.


Well, fellow road explorers, we’ve navigated the twists and turns of the brake checking saga. From the inexplicable urge to tap those brakes to the frustration-fueled retaliation, it’s clear that this road behavior is a multifaceted puzzle. As we wrap up our journey through the world of brake checking, let’s not forget the importance of promoting patience, courtesy, and understanding on the road. Whether you’ve been the brake checker or the one caught in their unexpected slow dance, fostering a culture of safer driving benefits us all. So, let’s swap the brake checks for a friendly wave and make our roadways a smoother and more enjoyable journey for everyone. Happy and safe travels, my fellow road companions!

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