555 Timer

Many electrical and electronic appliances require DC or AC power for their operation. While AC power is made available mostly through AC supply mains, DC

Have you ever heard about dummy alarm? This is similar to the alarm but this flashes high power Red LEDs for every 5 seconds. This

This circuit protects the costly equipment like TVs, air conditioners, Refrigerators, etc. from high voltages as well as low voltages. If the supplied voltage is

This circuit is designed to alert the user when an intruder enters into the home. If there is any obstacle in front of IR sensor,

Have you ever tried to design a circuit that produces sound? Here is the circuit that produces five tones. This is a simple toy piano

There are different types of circuits that produce different kinds of sounds. Here is a simple circuit that produces wailing siren. The main principle of

Nowadays, door bells are very common in every house. We daily observe different types of door bells are available in the market and they produce

This article describes the principle, design and operation of a digital stopwatch circuit. A digital stopwatch can be a circuit displaying the actual time in

This article is written to describe the design and working of a simple LED cube circuit. Most of the LED cube circuits are designed using

Have you ever thought of transmitting audio and video signals? Here is the simple circuit that amplifies and transmits audio, video signals. These are transmitted