Types Of Network Protocols: From TCP/IP To More Advanced Options

We are living in the times where the internet has become an integral part of our lives. It is one of the largest and popular networks with an interconnection of billions of devices worldwide. We use the internet for a variety of activities such as email, online banking, video conferencing, social media, to name a few.

Computer networking is the backbone of modern communication that links devices and systems across the globe. At its core, a computer network enables multiple devices to communicate and share resources, such as files, printers, or internet access. These networks operate through various hardware components (routers, switches, and cables). Local Area Networks (LANs) typically connect devices within a limited space (home or office), while Wide Area Networks (WANs) cover larger geographic areas. Wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi help in connecting devices without the need for physical cables.

In order for computer networks and the internet to function seamlessly, we have a bunch of Network Protocols. These protocols define a set of rules and standards that devices must follow to communicate effectively. The TCP/IP is one of the most widely used protocols which defines how data is transmitted across networks. Other key protocols include the HTTP for web browsing, SMTP for email delivery, SNMP for network management, and many more.

In this beginner’s guide, let us take a closer look at different types of network protocols. We will begin with the basics of OSI Model and how protocols interact at different layers. Then we will move on to different types of Network Protocols in each layer of the OSI Model. As a bonus, we will take a brief overview of types of Network Protocols based on functionality.

What Are Networking Protocols?

Network protocols are a set of rules and conventions that define how different devices communicate over a network. These rules dictate how data should be formatted, transmitted, received, processed, and acknowledged across devices such as computers, servers, routers, and switches, regardless of the type, manufacturer, or operating system.

Without these standardized rules, devices with varying hardware and software cannot interpret each other’s signals and would struggle to communicate effectively.

When data flows between two points or devices, network protocols manage the flow by breaking it into manageable packets before transmitting. This not only impacts the direction and order of data transmission but also validates the accuracy of the transferred data (to minimize errors).

In this way, protocols help optimize data transmission and make actions like downloading a file or streaming video fast and efficient. Without them, network traffic would be chaotic and vulnerable to interruptions.

Protocols like Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are the pillars of internet communication. TCP breaks data into packets while IP addresses each packet and directs it to the correct destination. Without these protocols, the internet as we know it would not function.

Many protocols incorporate encryption techniques to protect data from unauthorized access. This is very important when we transmit sensitive data (personal or financial information) through the internet. Protocols like HTTPS and SSL/TLS, for example, make web browsing more secure.

Network protocols come in different types and we can classify them in three ways:

  • The layer they belong to in the OSI model
  • By their function
  • Their specific use cases

A Brief Overview Of The OSI Model

The OSI (Open System Interconnect) Model is a conceptual framework that standardizes network communication. It divides the communication process into seven distinct layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.

Each layer has a specific function and they interact through different network protocols. In this model, each layer provides a service to the layer above it and relies only on the layer below it.

This layered structure simplifies the complexity as each layer focuses on a specific aspect of the communication. Data flows from the top application layer down to the physical layer during transmission.

At each step, the corresponding layer adds headers and information specific to its function (IP addresses or error-checking codes). Upon receiving the data, the layers at the destination process it in reverse order. They strip away the added information until it reaches the application layer.

Types Of Network Protocols Based On OSI Model

Physical Layer Protocols

The Physical Layer is the foundation for all network communication as it deals with the physical connection between devices. Instead of protocols, the physical layer defines the hardware specifications for how data transmits over physical mediums like cables, fiber optics, or wireless signals. This layer manages how bits (1’s and 0’s) are converted into electrical or radio signals that travel across a network.

  • Ethernet: One of the key protocols/standards at this layer is Ethernet (IEEE 802.3). It is widely used for wired network connections. Ethernet specifies how data gets transferred over physical cables and defines both the format of data frames and error-checking mechanisms. Ethernet operates at speeds of up to 400 Gbps.
  • USB: Universal Serial Bus (USB) provides standards for data transfer and power delivery between devices. USB technology supports speeds up to 40 Gbps with USB 4.0.
  • Wi-Fi: The IEEE 802.11 standard (or more commonly known as Wi-Fi) is associated with wireless communication and supports data transmission through the air (radio waves) rather than physical cables. The Wi-Fi 6 standard, which is gradually becoming popular, has theoretical speeds of up to 9.6 Gbps.

Data Link Layer Protocols

The Data Link Layer is responsible for node-to-node data transfer. It focuses on data framing, addressing, and error detection. It acts as an intermediary, passing data between the physical layer and the network layer, while also managing access to the shared physical medium.

  • MAC: Media Access Control or MAC defines how devices identify themselves on a network. Every device/network interface has a unique MAC address. The network uses this MAC address to know where to send or receive data.
  • PPP: The Point-to-Point Protocol provides communication between two routers in a direct connection (for internet dial-up access).
  • Ethernet: Ethernet can belong to both the data link layer and the physical layer, depending on its configuration.
  • ARP: Address Resolution Protocol maps IP addresses to MAC addresses so that devices can find each other on a local network. This function is very important in delivering data between routers and devices.

Network Layer Protocols

The Network Layer handles packet forwarding, routing, and addressing. This layer breaks large amounts of data into smaller packets, assigns addresses, and directs those packets to their final destinations across multiple networks.

  • IP: One of the widely-used protocols, the Internet Protocol (IP), is the heart of this layer. It provides the mechanism for addressing and routing packets. It determines the path that data takes from source to destination. IPv4, the most widely used version, uses a 32-bit addressing system and offers around 4.3 billion unique IP addresses. However, the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses led to the development of IPv6, which uses a 128-bit system and provides an almost limitless number of unique addresses, 340 undecillion, to be precise. IPv6 adoption has seen a quick rise in the recent past.
  • ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol plays a huge role in network diagnostics (ping and traceroute commands, for example) and error handling. It operates alongside IP and communicates error messages and operational information. When a packet fails to reach its destination, ICMP notifies the sender through an error message.
  • IGMP: The Internet Group Management Protocol manages membership in multicast groups. Multicasting allows a single packet to reach multiple destinations simultaneously (streaming media and online gaming).

Transport Layer Protocols

The Transport Layer provides either a reliable or an unreliable data transfer between devices. It handles tasks like flow control, error detection, and retransmission of lost data.

  • TCP: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the most widely used transport layer protocols. It provides a reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data. TCP is ideal for applications where accurate data transfer is necessary (web browsing, email, and file downloads). The internet is built on the combination of TCP and IP protocols.
  • UDP: In contrast, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a lightweight and connectionless alternative to TCP. It is suitable for time-sensitive applications like video streaming and online gaming, where small data losses can be tolerated for better performance.
  • SCTP: Another important protocol is Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). It supports multiple data streams within a single connection to reduce the risk of congestion and packet loss.

Session Layer Protocols

The Session Layer manages the dialog between two communicating devices. It coordinates the opening, maintaining, and closing of communication sessions.

  • RPC: Remote Procedure Call allows one computer to execute a procedure or function on another system. This protocol simplifies complex operations by abstracting remote communication.
  • NetBIOS: Network Basic Input Output System or NetBIOS, on the other hand, provides services like name resolution and session management on local area networks, particularly in older Windows-based systems.
  • PPTP: The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables secure communication through virtual private networks (VPNs). It creates encrypted tunnels for data transfer between endpoints.

Presentation Layer Protocols

The Presentation Layer focuses on data translation, encryption, and compression. This layer acts as a translator between the data format used by the network and the application so that the data received by the application layer is in a readable format.

  • SSL/TLS: One of the primary protocols at this layer is SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security). It encrypts data to provide secure transmission and protect sensitive information from eavesdropping.
  • MIME: The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions handles encoding of different media types, such as images, audio, and text, for email transmission.
  • XDR: Another key protocol is XDR (External Data Representation). It defines a standard for data serialization so that data can be transferred between different computer architectures.

Application Layer Protocols

The Application Layer sits at the top of the OSI model. It directly interacts with the end-user and manages application-specific data exchanges. It also provides the interface that allows users to interact with network services.

  • HTTP/HTTPS: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP is the driving force behind all the web communication, while HTTPS adds a layer of security with encryption. It operates on a request-response model. When you enter a URL, the browser sends an HTTP request to the server. The server then responds with the requested content.
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol provides file transfers between devices (usually a client and a server). This protocol operates in two modes: active and passive. In active mode, the client opens a port and waits for the server to connect. In passive mode, the server opens a port, allowing the client to connect. You must be cautious as FTP does not encrypt data during transmission. For this reason, many opt for secure alternatives like FTPS or SFTP.
  • SMTP: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol handles email transmission between two devices. This protocol works primarily for sending emails from clients to servers. SMTP typically works alongside other protocols like IMAP or POP3, which handle the retrieval of emails.
  • DNS: Domain Name System converts domain names into IP addresses. This allows users to navigate the web using human-readable addresses (URLs) instead of IP addresses of the server of a website.
  • SNMP: The Simple Network Management Protocol supports network management, where administrators can monitor and control network devices like routers, switches, and servers.

Types Of Network Protocols Based On Functionality

Communication Protocols

Communication protocols manage how devices interact and exchange information over a network. These protocols focus on organizing data transfer for a reliable communication and consistent data flow across different platforms. Some of the well-known communication protocols are:

  • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
  • POP (Post Office Protocol)
  • IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Security Protocols

The need to protect data as it travels across networks is at an all-time high and security protocols help with this. These protocols offer encryption, authentication, and confidentiality measures to safeguard information from unauthorized access. Here is a small list of security protocols:

  • SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security)
  • SSH (Secure Shell)
  • IPsec (Internet Protocol Security)

Network Management Protocols

Irrespective of the type of network, you should be able to monitor and control the performance, reliability, and overall health of network devices. This is where network management protocols come into play. The two popular protocols in this category are:

  • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

Routing Protocols

The job of routing protocols is to determine the best path for data to travel across interconnected networks. By analyzing network topology, these protocols direct data packets to their destination through the most efficient route. Example of routing protocols are:

  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

File Transfer Protocols

As the name suggests, file transfer protocols help in the movement of files between devices. They provide different methods for secure and efficient data exchange.

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
  • TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)


Network protocols are fundamental for a structured and reliable communication across all types of networks. These protocols define the rules on how devices interact, transmitting data across various network layers. Without such protocols, communication would lack the consistency and structure required for modern digital activities.

Despite the variety of existing protocols, the rise of 5G, IoT, and AI-driven networks will demand significant changes in protocol design. With 5G expected to reach over 1.5 billion connections by 2025, networks must handle higher speeds, increased data volumes, and more complex device interactions. Protocols that support low-latency communication and tight security will become key.

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