How To Create, Edit or Delete Gmail Alias?

Do you ever feel uneasy about giving out your main email address when signing up for online subscriptions or on social media? Maybe you’re concerned about getting too much spam or promotional emails clogging up your inbox. Or perhaps you juggle multiple projects and want to keep your work and personal emails separate.

If any of these situations sound familiar, then Gmail aliases might be just what you need. An alias works like a fake name for your main email address. You can make different aliases for different purposes, giving you more control over your inbox and safeguarding your privacy. This blog post will walk you through the steps of creating, editing, and deleting Gmail aliases, so you can handle your email efficiently and protect your personal information.

What Is Gmail Alias?

An alias is like a second email address that sends emails to your main Gmail inbox. Think of it like a nickname for your email. Emails sent to the alias appear in your main inbox but with the added benefit of easy organization. Moreover, a Gmail alias allows you to have multiple email addresses without paying extra. 

In essence, you can use Gmail aliases whenever you want to:

  • Filter emails for easier management
  • Protect your main address from spam or unreliable senders
  • Maintain a clean and organized inbox
  • Unsubscribe easily from unwanted emails
  • Enhance security for temporary online interactions

Also Read: How To Change Your Gmail Address?

How To Create Google Workspace Gmail Alias?

To create a Google Workspace Gmail alias, you’ll need access to the Google Admin console. This tool helps manage user accounts in an organization. Here’s how an administrator can create an alias for a user:

1) Sign in to the Google Admin console. An administrator account usually doesn’t end with

Google Admin - create gmail alias

2) Navigate to the Users section. You can usually find this under the Menu > Directory.

directory - create gmail alias

3) Find the user for whom you want to create the alias in the Users list.

4) Click on the user’s name to open their account settings page.

5) Look for the User information section and find Email aliases.

6) Click on Add Alternate Emails.

alternate emails - create gmail alias

7) Enter the username you want for the alias in the Alternate email field. (the part before the “@”). Optionally, you can choose a secondary domain if available.

alternate email field - create gmail alias

8) Click Save.

After saving the changes, it might take up to 24 hours for the alias to become fully functional. You’ll receive emails sent to that address in your main Gmail inbox.

How To Create Gmail Alias (Without Google Workspace)?

Although Gmail doesn’t have the option to create traditional aliases like other providers, some smart workarounds can help you achieve similar results.

You can create Gmail aliases in two ways: by using dots (or) a plus sign.

1. Dots: Gmail ignores periods placed before the “@” symbol in your email address. For example, if your email address is, you can create aliases like:


And emails sent to any of these variations will be delivered to your primary Gmail inbox.

2. Plus Sign: The plus sign “+” offers even more flexibility. Add it right before the “@” symbol in your email address, followed by any text you choose. Emails sent to “” or “” will still be delivered to your main inbox ( This is particularly useful when signing up for websites or services where you’re unsure about future email frequency.

How To Remove (or) Change a Gmail Alias?

If you have a Google Workspace account and your admin set up an alias for you, they can easily manage it in the Google Admin console.

1) Sign in to the Google Admin console with an administrator account.

2) Go to Directory and select Users.

3) Click on the username you want to edit the alias for.

4) Under User Information, look for “Alternate Emails” or “Edit alternate email addresses” (depending on the interface).

5) Click the “X” next to the alias you want to remove.

6) To change the alias, click on the “Alternate Email” field and modify it with the desired address.

7) Click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Keep in mind that only a Google Workspace administrator can create (or) modify true aliases for your account. 

Limitations Of Gmail Alias

1) Multiple users can’t share an email alias.

2) Email aliases are not Google Accounts. So, you can’t sign in with an email alias address and access Google services, like Google Drive.

3) You can’t create an alias with the same name as an existing Google Account in your organization. For example, if you already have a Google Account with the email, you won’t be able to create an alias with the same email.

4) You can add up to 30 aliases for each user, at no extra cost. If you need more aliases, you must create another Google Account and add aliases to it.

5) Email aliases lack privacy. Other users can sometimes see them. For instance, when someone looks for emails from in Gmail, they might also see emails from Bill’s alias,

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any security risks associated with using Gmail aliases?

While aliases can add a layer of privacy by shielding your main email address, it’s important to remember that the emails still land in your main inbox. If you’re dealing with sensitive information, it’s a good idea to use a separate email address (or) take extra security precautions.

How many Gmail aliases can I create with dots (or) plus signs?

You can create as many aliases as you want using dots (or) plus signs. There’s no official limit. However, some websites may have restrictions on the length of email addresses. It’s best to keep your aliases concise and descriptive for readability.

Are aliases a good alternative to multiple Gmail accounts?

Aliases are a great choice for simple organization. If you want separate inboxes with different login credentials, having multiple Gmail accounts could be a better option.


So, you’ve seen how Gmail aliases can streamline your inbox and safeguard your privacy. Now it’s your turn to take action! Head over to your Gmail settings and explore the world of dot variations (if you don’t have a Google Workspace account). For even more control and a professional touch, consider creating separate Gmail accounts for different purposes.

Remember, a clean and organized inbox is just a few clicks away.  Start using Gmail aliases today and experience the difference!

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